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The assessment of paraspinal muscle epimuscular fat in participants with and without low back pain: A case-control study

Author(s): Rosenstein B; Burdick J; Roussac A; Rye M; Naghdi N; Valentin S; Licka T; Sean M; Tétreault P; Elliott J; Fortin M;

It remains unclear whether paraspinal muscle fatty infiltration in low back pain (LBP) is i) solely intramuscular, ii) is lying outside the epimysium between the muscle and fascial plane (epimuscular) or iii) or combination of both, as imaging studies often use different segmentation protocols th ...

Article GUID: 38280825

The Effects of Combined Motor Control and Isolated Extensor Strengthening versus General Exercise on Paraspinal Muscle Morphology, Composition, and Function in Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Author(s): Fortin M; Rye M; Roussac A; Montpetit C; Burdick J; Naghdi N; Rosenstein B; Bertrand C; Macedo LG; Elliott JM; Dover G; DeMont R; Weber MH; Pepin V;

Low back pain (LBP), a globally widespread and persistent musculoskeletal disorder, benefits from exercise therapy. However, it remains unclear which type leads to greater changes in paraspinal muscle health. This study aimed to (1) compare the effects of a combined motor control and isolated lum ...

Article GUID: 37762861

The effects of combined motor control and isolated extensor strengthening versus general exercise on paraspinal muscle morphology and function in patients with chronic low back pain: a randomised controlled trial protocol

Author(s): Fortin M; Rye M; Roussac A; Naghdi N; Macedo LG; Dover G; Elliott JM; DeMont R; Weber MH; Pepin V;

Background: Exercise is a common approach for the management of patients with chronic non-specific low back pain (LBP). However, there is no clear mechanistic evidence or consensus on what type of exercise is more effective than others. While considerable evidence suggests a link between lumbar m ...

Article GUID: 34022854

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