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Genomics-Enabled Mixed-Stock Analysis Uncovers Intraspecific Migratory Complexity and Detects Unsampled Populations in a Harvested Fish

Author(s): Gibelli J; Won H; Michaelides S; Jeon HB; Fraser DJ;

The contributions of distinct populations to annual harvests provide key insights to conservation, especially in migratory species that return to specific reproductive areas. In this context, genetic stock identification (GSI) requires reference samples from source populations to assign harvested individuals, yet sampling might be challenging as reproduct ...

Article GUID: 39995301

International interlaboratory study to normalize liquid chromatography-based mycotoxin retention times through implementation of a retention index system

Author(s): Kelman MJ; Renaud JB; McCarron P; Hoogstra S; Chow W; Wang J; Varga E; Patriarca A; Vaya AM; Visintin L; Nguyen T; De Boevre M; De Saeger S; Karanghat V; Vuckovic D; McMullin DR; Dall' Asta C; Ayeni K; Warth B; Huang M; Tittlemier S ...

Monitoring for mycotoxins in food or feed matrices is necessary to ensure the safety and security of global food systems. Due to a lack of standardized methods and individual laboratory priorities, most institutions have developed their own methods for mycotoxin determinations. Given the diversit ...

Article GUID: 39913989

Widespread admixture blurs population structure and confounds Lake Trout (Salvelinus namaycush) conservation even in the genomic era

Author(s): Bernos TA; Gibelli J; Michaelides S; Won H; Jeon HB; Marin K; Boguski DA; Janjua MY; Gallagher CP; Howland KL; Fraser DJ;

Intraspecific variation is important for species' long-term persistence in changing environments. Conservation strategies targeting intraspecific variation often rely on the identification of management or policy units below the species level based on biological differences among populations. ...

Article GUID: 39730611

Impact of a national dementia research consortium: The Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA)

Author(s): Chertkow H; Phillips N; Rockwood K; Anderson N; Andrew MK; Bartha R; Beaudoin C; Bélanger N; Bellec P; Belleville S; Bergman H; Best S; Bethell J; Bherer L; Black S; Borrie M; Camicioli R; Carrier J; Cashman N; Chan S; Crowshoe L; Cuello ...

The Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA) was created by the Canadian federal government through its health research funding agency, the Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR), in 2014, as a response to the G7 initiative to fight dementia. Two five-year funding cycles ( ...

Article GUID: 39636028

MuscleMap: An Open-Source, Community-Supported Consortium for Whole-Body Quantitative MRI of Muscle

Author(s): McKay MJ; Weber KA; Wesselink EO; Smith ZA; Abbott R; Anderson DB; Ashton-James CE; Atyeo J; Beach AJ; Burns J; Clarke S; Collins NJ; Coppieters MW; Cornwall J; Crawford RJ; De Martino E; Dunn AG; Eyles JP; Feng HJ; Fortin M; Franettovic ...

Disorders affecting the neurological and musculoskeletal systems represent international health priorities. A significant impediment to progress in trials of new therapies is the absence of responsive, objective, and valid outcome measures sensitive to early disease changes. A key finding in indi ...

Article GUID: 39590726

The hockey fans in training intervention for men with overweight or obesity: a pragmatic cluster randomised trial

Author(s): Petrella RJ; Gill DP; Boa Sorte Silva NC; Riggin B; Blunt WM; Kfrerer M; Majoni M; Marsh J; Irwin JD; Stranges S; Zwarenstein M; Zou G;

Background: Obesity disproportionately impacts men's health yet fewer men engage in preventive healthcare. We examined the effectiveness of Hockey Fans in Training (Hockey FIT), a gender-sensitised lifestyle intervention that engages men with overweight/obesity through their passion as fans o ...

Article GUID: 39568632

Geological Net Zero and the need for disaggregated accounting for carbon sinks

Author(s): Allen MR; Frame DJ; Friedlingstein P; Gillett NP; Grassi G; Gregory JM; Hare W; House J; Huntingford C; Jenkins S; Jones CD; Knutti R; Lowe JA; Matthews HD; Meinshausen M; Meinshausen N; Peters GP; Plattner GK; Raper S; Rogelj J; Stott P ...

Achieving net zero global emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), with declining emissions of other greenhouse gases, is widely expected to halt global warming. CO2 emissions will continue to drive warming until fully balanced by active anthropogenic CO2 removals. For practical reasons, however, many ...

Article GUID: 39557072

Development of SNP Panels from Low-Coverage Whole Genome Sequencing (lcWGS) to Support Indigenous Fisheries for Three Salmonid Species in Northern Canada

Author(s): Beemelmanns A; Bouchard R; Michaelides S; Normandeau E; Jeon HB; Chamlian B; Babin C; Hénault P; Perrot O; Harris LN; Zhu X; Fraser D; Bernatchez L; Moore JS;

Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) panels are powerful tools for assessing the genetic population structure and dispersal of fishes and can enhance management practices for commercial, recreational and subsistence mixed-stock fisheries. Arctic Char (Salvelinus alpinus), Brook Trout (Salvelinus ...

Article GUID: 39552382

Exploring the Qualitative Experiences of Administering and Participating in Remote Research via Telephone Using the Montreal Cognitive Assessment-Blind: Cross-Sectional Study of Older Adults

Author(s): Dumassais S; Grewal KS; Aubin G; O' Connell M; Phillips NA; Wittich W;

Background: The COVID-19 pandemic caused a drastic shift in the practice of research and clinical services. It has been noted that cognition measured via in-person versus remote methods differ substantially, and it is possible that subjective and experiential differences exist between modalities. Objective: The aim of the study is to explore the percepti ...

Article GUID: 39546346

Monitoring pilot trainees' cognitive control under a simulator-based training process with EEG microstate analysis

Author(s): Zhao M; Jia W; Jennings S; Law A; Bourgon A; Su C; Larose MH; Grenier H; Bowness D; Zeng Y;

The objective of pilot training is to equip trainees with the knowledge, judgment, and skills to maintain control of an aircraft and respond to critical flight tasks. The present research aims to investigate changes in trainees' cognitive control levels during a pilot training process while t ...

Article GUID: 39428425

Perceptions of carbon dioxide emission reductions and future warming among climate experts

Author(s): Wynes S; Davis SJ; Dickau M; Ly S; Maibach E; Rogelj J; Zickfeld K; Matthews HD;

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) employs emission scenarios to explore a range of future climate outcomes but refrains from assigning probabilities to individual scenarios. However, IPCC authors have their own views on the likelihood of different climate outcomes, which are valuable to understand because authors possess both expert ins ...

Article GUID: 39280638

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