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Guest editorial: Papers from the 18th joint workshop on Augmented Environments for Computer Assisted Interventions (AE-CAI) at MICCAI 2024: Guest editors' foreword

Authors: Linte CAYaniv ZChen EDrouin SKersten-Oertel MMcLeod JSarikaya DWang J


1 Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Science Rochester Institute of Technology Rochester USA.
2 National Institutes of Allergy and InfectiousDisease National Institutes of Health Bethesda USA.
3 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Western University London Canada.
4 Department of Software and IT Engineering École de Technologie Supérieure Montreal Canada.
5 Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science Concordia University Montreal Canada.
6 Nvidia Inc. Santa Clara USA.
7 School of Computer Science University of Leeds Leeds UK.
8 Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering Chinese University of Hong Kong Hong Kong China.


No abstract available



DOI: 10.1049/htl2.70000