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Are translation equivalents special? Evidence from simulations and empirical data from bilingual infants

Author(s): Tsui RK; Gonzalez-Barrero AM; Schott E; Byers-Heinlein K;

The acquisition of translation equivalents is often considered a special component of bilingual children's vocabulary development, as bilinguals have to learn words that share the same meaning across their two languages. This study examined three contrasting accounts for bilingual children's acquisition of translation equivalents relative to singl ...

Article GUID: 35430556

Fine-tuning language discrimination: Bilingual and monolingual infants' detection of language switching

Author(s): Schott E; Mastroberardino M; Fourakis E; Lew-Williams C; Byers-Heinlein K;

The ability to differentiate between two languages sets the stage for bilingual learning. Infants can discriminate languages when hearing long passages, but language switches often occur on short time scales with few cues to language identity. As bilingual infants begin learning sequences of sounds and words, how do they detect the dynamics of two languag ...

Article GUID: 34482624

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