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When population growth intensifies intergroup competition, female colobus monkeys free-ride less

Author(s): Arseneau-Robar TJ; Teichroeb JA; Macintosh AJJ; Saj TL; Glotfelty E; Lucci S; Sicotte P; Wikberg EC;

Intergroup aggression often results in the production of public goods, such as a safe and stable social environment and a home range containing the resources required to survive and reproduce. We investigate temporal variation in intergroup aggression in a growing population of colobus monkeys (C ...

Article GUID: 38906888

Social network dynamics, infant loss, and gut microbiota composition in female Colobus vellerosus during time periods with alpha male challenges

Author(s): Samartino S; Christie D; Penna A; Sicotte P; Ting N; Wikberg E;

The gut microbiota of group-living animals is strongly influenced by their social interactions, but it is unclear how it responds to social instability. We investigated whether social instability associated with the arrival of new males and challenges to the alpha male position could explain differences in the gut microbiota in adult female Colobus veller ...

Article GUID: 38735025

All together now: Assessing variation in maternal and nonmaternal handling of wild Colobus vellerosus infants

Author(s): King AG; Rissling T; Cote S; Sicotte P;

Primatologists have a long-standing interest in the study of maternal care and nonmaternal handling (NH) of infants stemming from recognition that early social relationships can have enduring consequences. Though maternal care and NH often include expression of similar behaviors, they are regularly studied in isolation from each other with nonoverlapping ...

Article GUID: 38654439

Monkeys who experience more feeding competition utilize social information to learn foraging skills faster

Author(s): Arseneau-Robar TJM; Anderson KA; Sicotte P; Teichroeb JA;

Animals must learn foraging skills to successfully survive and reproduce but the sources of interindividual variation in learning are poorly understood. For example, there is little consensus on the role motivation plays, even though it is a key factor impacting learning outcomes in humans. Here, we conduct a field experiment on a wild primate to investig ...

Article GUID: 37468534

Non-Reproductive Sexual Behavior in Wild White-Thighed Colobus Monkeys (Colobus vellerosus)

Author(s): Teichroeb JA; Fox SA; Samartino S; Wikberg EC; Sicotte P;

Rare behaviors are often missing from published papers, hampering phylogenetic analyses. Here, we report, for the first time, masturbation and same-sex sexual behavior (SSB) in both male and female black-and-white colobus monkeys. We recorded these behaviors during 32 months of observation (1573 h of focal animal sampling) on Colobus vellerosus collected ...

Article GUID: 36849676

Joint intergroup aggression in female colobus monkeys (Colobus vellerosus) is associated with grooming bonds, male participation, and group size

Author(s): Wikberg EC; Gonzalez S; Rodriguez C; Sicotte P;

Cooperative home range defense is common in primates, despite a collective action problem that arises when group members benefit from winning the intergroup encounter regardless of whether they participate. The costs associated with this collective action problem may be mitigated by residing in small groups, residing with kin, or by forming strong bonds w ...

Article GUID: 34927751

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