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Comparison of different severe obesity definitions in predicting future cardiometabolic risk in a longitudinal cohort of children

Author(s): Kakinami L; Smyrnova A; Paradis G; Tremblay A; Henderson M;

Objectives: Severe obesity (SO) prevalence varies between reference curve-based definitions (WHO: =99th percentile, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): >1.2×95th percentile). Whether SO definitions differentially predict cardiometabolic disease risk is critical for proper clinical care and management but is unknown.

Article GUID: 35705336

To Each Stress Its Own Screen: A Cross-Sectional Survey of the Patterns of Stress and Various Screen Uses in Relation to Self-Admitted Screen Addiction

Author(s): Khalili-Mahani N; Smyrnova A; Kakinami L;

Background: The relationship between stress and screen addiction is often studied by exploring a single aspect of screen-related behavior in terms of maladaptive dependency or the risks associated with the content. Generally, little attention is given to the pattern of using different screens for different types of stressors, and variations arising from t ...

Article GUID: 30938685

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