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Patterns of Cerebellar-Cortical Structural Covariance Mirror Anatomical Connectivity of Sensorimotor and Cognitive Networks

Author(s): Alasmar Z; Chakravarty MM; Penhune VB; Steele CJ;

The cortex and cerebellum are densely connected through reciprocal input/output projections that form segregated circuits. These circuits are shown to differentially connect anterior lobules of the cerebellum to sensorimotor regions, and lobules Crus I and II to prefrontal regions. This differential connectivity pattern leads to the hypothesis that indivi ...

Article GUID: 39791308

Alzheimer's Imaging Consortium

Author(s): Tremblay SA; Spreng RN; Wearn A; Alasmar Z; Pirhadi A; Tardif CL; Chakravarty MM; Villeneuve S; Leppert IR; Carbonell F; Medina YI; Steele CJ; Gauthier CJ;

Background: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is thought to result from a complex cascade of events involving several pathological processes. Recent studies have reported alterations in white matter (WM) microstructure in the early phase of AD, but WM remains understudied. We used a multivariate appro ...

Article GUID: 39782998


Author(s): Tremblay SA; Spreng RN; Wearn A; Alasmar Z; Pirhadi A; Tardif CL; Chakravarty MM; Villeneuve S; Leppert IR; Carbonell F; Medina YI; Steele CJ; Gauthier CJ;

Background: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is thought to result from a complex cascade of events involving several pathological processes. Recent studies have reported alterations in white matter (WM) microstructure in the early phase of AD, but WM remains understudied. We used a multivariate appro ...

Article GUID: 39785351

MVComp toolbox: MultiVariate Comparisons of brain MRI features accounting for common information across metrics

Author(s): Tremblay SA; Alasmar Z; Pirhadi A; Carbonell F; Iturria-Medina Y; Gauthier CJ; Steele CJ;

Multivariate approaches have recently gained in popularity to address the physiological unspecificity of neuroimaging metrics and to better characterize the complexity of biological processes underlying behavior. However, commonly used approaches are biased by the intrinsic associations between variables, or they are computationally expensive and may be m ...

Article GUID: 38463982

Decreased long-range temporal correlations in the resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging blood-oxygen-level-dependent signal reflect motor sequence learning up to 2 weeks following training

Author(s): Jäger AP; Bailey A; Huntenburg JM; Tardif CL; Villringer A; Gauthier CJ; Nikulin V; Bazin PL; Steele CJ;

Decreased long-range temporal correlations (LRTC) in brain signals can be used to measure cognitive effort during task execution. Here, we examined how learning a motor sequence affects long-range temporal memory within resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging signal. Using the Hurst e ...

Article GUID: 38124341

The impact of lesion side on bilateral upper limb coordination after stroke

Author(s): Shih PC; Steele CJ; Hoepfel D; Muffel T; Villringer A; Sehm B;

Background: A stroke frequently results in impaired performance of activities of daily life. Many of these are highly dependent on effective coordination between the two arms. In the context of bimanual movements, cyclic rhythmical bilateral arm coordination patterns can be classified into two fundamental modes: in-phase (bilateral homologous muscles cont ...

Article GUID: 38093308

Modeling venous bias in resting state functional MRI metrics

Author(s): Huck J; Jäger AT; Schneider U; Grahl S; Fan AP; Tardif C; Villringer A; Bazin PL; Steele CJ; Gauthier CJ;

Resting-state (rs) functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is used to detect low-frequency fluctuations in the blood oxygen-level dependent (BOLD) signal across brain regions. Correlations between temporal BOLD signal fluctuations are commonly used to infer functional connectivity. However, ...

Article GUID: 37498014

Using cortico-cerebellar structural patterns to classify early- and late-trained musicians

Author(s): Shenker JJ; Steele CJ; Zatorre RJ; Penhune VB;

A body of current evidence suggests that there is a sensitive period for musical training: people who begin training before the age of seven show better performance on tests of musical skill, and also show differences in brain structure-especially in motor cortical and cerebellar regions-compared with those who start later. We used support vector machine ...

Article GUID: 37326147

Visuo-motor transformations in the intraparietal sulcus mediate the acquisition of endovascular medical skill

Author(s): Paul KI; Mueller K; Rousseau PN; Glathe A; Taatgen NA; Cnossen F; Lanzer P; Villringer A; Steele CJ;

Performing endovascular medical interventions safely and efficiently requires a diverse set of skills that need to be practised in dedicated training sessions. Here, we used multimodal magnetic resonance (MR) imaging to determine the structural and functional plasticity and core skills associated ...

Article GUID: 36529202

Mapping pontocerebellar connectivity with diffusion MRI

Author(s): Rousseau PN; Chakravarty MM; Steele CJ;

The cerebellum's involvement in cognitive, affective and motor functions is mediated by connections to different regions of the cerebral cortex. A distinctive feature of cortico-cerebellar loops that has been demonstrated in the animal work is a topographic organization that is preserved across its corticopontine, pontocerebellar, and cerebello-thalmo ...

Article GUID: 36252913

Mental rotation ability predicts the acquisition of basic endovascular skills

Author(s): Paul KI; Glathe A; Taatgen NA; Steele CJ; Villringer A; Lanzer P; Cnossen F;

Due to the increasing complexity of diseases in the aging population and rapid progress in catheter-based technology, the demands on operators' skills in conducting endovascular interventions (EI) has increased dramatically, putting more emphasis on training. However, it is not well understood which factors influence learning and performance. In the p ...

Article GUID: 34789742

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