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Author Correction: Typical and extreme weather datasets for studying the resilience of buildings to climate change and heatwaves

Author(s): Machard A; Salvati A; P Tootkaboni M; Gaur A; Zou J; Wang LL; Baba F; Ge H; Bre F; Bozonnet E; Corrado V; Luo X; Levinson R; Lee SH; Hong T; Salles Olinger M; Machado RMES; da Guarda ELA; Veiga RK; Lamberts R; Afshari A; Ramon D; Ngoc Dung Ngo H; Sengupta A; Breesch H; Heijmans N; Deltour J; Kubo ...

No abstract available

Article GUID: 39814748

Typical and extreme weather datasets for studying the resilience of buildings to climate change and heatwaves

Author(s): Machard A; Salvati A; P Tootkaboni M; Gaur A; Zou J; Wang LL; Baba F; Ge H; Bre F; Bozonnet E; Corrado V; Luo X; Levinson R; Lee SH; Hong T; Salles Olinger M; Machado RMES; da Guarda ELA; Veiga RK; Lamberts R; Afshari A; Ramon D; Ngoc Du ...

We present unprecedented datasets of current and future projected weather files for building simulations in 15 major cities distributed across 10 climate zones worldwide. The datasets include ambient air temperature, relative humidity, atmospheric pressure, direct and diffuse solar irradiance, an ...

Article GUID: 38782916

Source imaging of deep-brain activity using the regional spatiotemporal Kalman filter

Author(s): Hamid L; Habboush N; Stern P; Japaridze N; Aydin Ü; Wolters CH; Claussen JC; Heute U; Stephani U; Galka A; Siniatchkin M;

Background and objective: The human brain displays rich and complex patterns of interaction within and among brain networks that involve both cortical and subcortical brain regions. Due to the limited spatial resolution of surface electroencephalography (EEG), EEG source imaging is used to recons ...

Article GUID: 33250282

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