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Assessing Physician's Motivational Communication Skills: 5-Step Mixed Methods Development Study of the Motivational Communication Competency Assessment Test

Author(s): Gosselin Boucher V; Bacon S; Voisard B; Dragomir AI; Gemme C; Larue F; Labbé S; Szczepanik G; Corace K; Campbell T; Vallis M; Garber G; Rouleau C; Diodati JG; Rabi D; Sultan S; Lavoie K;

Background: Training physicians to provide effective behavior change counseling using approaches such as motivational communication (MC) is an important aspect of noncommunicable chronic disease prevention and management. However, existing evaluation tools for MC skills are complex, invasive, tim ...

Article GUID: 35749167

Probability of major depression diagnostic classification based on the SCID, CIDI and MINI diagnostic interviews controlling for Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale - Depression subscale scores: An individual participant data meta-analysis of 73 primary studies

Author(s): Wu Y; Levis B; Sun Y; Krishnan A; He C; Riehm KE; Rice DB; Azar M; Yan XW; Neupane D; Bhandari PM; Imran M; Chiovitti MJ; Saadat N; Boruff JT; Cuijpers P; Gilbody S; McMillan D; Ioannidis JPA; Kloda LA; Patten SB; Shrier I; Ziegelstein R ...

Objective: Two previous individual participant data meta-analyses (IPDMAs) found that different diagnostic interviews classify different proportions of people as having major depression overall or by symptom levels. We compared the odds of major depression classification across diagnostic intervi ...

Article GUID: 31911325

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