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Two-dimensional Nanosheets by Liquid Metal Exfoliation

Author(s): Bai Y; Xu Y; Sun L; Ward Z; Wang H; Ratnayake G; Wang C; Zhao M; He H; Gao J; Wu M; Lu S; Bepete G; Peng D; Liu B; Kang F; Terrones H; Terrones M; Lei Y;

Liquid exfoliation is a scalable and effective method for synthesizing 2D nanosheets (NSs) but often induces contamination and defects. Here, liquid metal gallium (Ga) is used to exfoliate bulk layered materials into 2D NSs at near room temperature, utilizing the liquid surface tension and Ga int ...

Article GUID: 39707650

Cooperative Sensitization Upconversion in Solution Dispersions of Co-Crystal Assemblies of Mononuclear Yb3+ and Eu3+ Complexes

Author(s): Sun G; Xie Y; Wang Y; Mandl GA; Maurizio SL; Zhang H; Ottenwaelder X; Capobianco JA; Sun L;

Lanthanide upconversion luminescence in nanoparticles has prompted continuous breakthroughs in information storage, temperature sensing, and biomedical applications, among others. Achieving upconversion luminescence at the molecular scale is still a critical challenge in modern chemistry. In this ...

Article GUID: 37040148

Upconversion Luminescence through Cooperative and Energy-Transfer Mechanisms in Yb3+ -Metal-Organic Frameworks

Author(s): Xie Y; Sun G; Mandl GA; Maurizio SL; Chen J; Capobianco JA; Sun L;

Lanthanide-doped metal-organic frameworks (Ln-MOFs) have versatile luminescence properties, however it is challenging to achieve lanthanide-based upconversion luminescence in these materials. Here, 1,3,5-benzenetricarboxylic acid (BTC) and trivalent Yb3+ ions were used to generate crystalline Yb-BTC MOF 1D-microrods with upconversion luminescence under ne ...

Article GUID: 36437239

Energy migration control of multi-modal emissions in an Er3+ doped nanostructure toward information encryption and deep learning decoding

Author(s): Song Y; Lu M; Mandl GA; Xie Y; Sun G; Chen J; Liu X; Capobianco JA; Sun L;

Modulating the emission wavelengths of materials has always been a primary focus of fluorescence technology. Nanocrystals (NCs) doped with lanthanide ions with rich energy levels can produce a variety of emissions at different excitation wavelengths. However, the control of multi-modal emissions of these ions has remained a challenge. Herein, we present a ...

Article GUID: 34476872

Smart Self-Assembled Nanosystem Based on Water-Soluble Pillararene and Rare-Earth-Doped Upconversion Nanoparticles for pH-Responsive Drug Delivery.

Author(s): Li H, Wei R, Yan GH, Sun J, Li C, Wang H, Shi L, Capobianco JA, Sun L

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2018 Feb 07;10(5):4910-4920 Authors: Li H, Wei R, Yan GH, Sun J, Li C, Wang H, Shi L, Capobianco JA, Sun L

Article GUID: 29336139

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