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Mechanisms by which PE21, an extract from the white willow Salix alba, delays chronological aging in budding yeast.

Author(s): Medkour Y, Mohammad K, Arlia-Ciommo A, Svistkova V, Dakik P, Mitrofanova D, Rodriguez MEL, Junio JAB, Taifour T, Escudero P, Goltsios FF, Soodbakhsh S, Maalaoui H, Simard É, Titorenko VI

Oncotarget. 2019 Oct 08;10(56):5780-5816 Authors: Medkour Y, Mohammad K, Arlia-Ciommo A, Svistkova V, Dakik P, Mitrofanova D, Rodriguez MEL, Junio JAB, Taifour T, Escudero P, Goltsios FF, Soodbakhsh S, Maalaoui H, Simard É, Titorenko VI

Article GUID: 31645900

Lithocholic bile acid accumulated in yeast mitochondria orchestrates a development of an anti-aging cellular pattern by causing age-related changes in cellular proteome.

Author(s): Beach A, Richard VR, Bourque S, Boukh-Viner T, Kyryakov P, Gomez-Perez A, Arlia-Ciommo A, Feldman R, Leonov A, Piano A, Svistkova V, Titorenko VI

Cell Cycle. 2015;14(11):1643-56 Authors: Beach A, Richard VR, Bourque S, Boukh-Viner T, Kyryakov P, Gomez-Perez A, Arlia-Ciommo A, Feldman R, Leonov A, Piano A, Svistkova V, Titorenko VI

Article GUID: 25839782

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