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Cumulative Effects of Watershed Disturbances and Run-of-river Dams on Mercury Cycling: Case Study and Recommendations for Environmental Managers

Author(s): Amyot M; Bilodeau F; Tremblay A; Planas D; Walsh D; Ponton DE;

Run-of-river power plants (ROR) represent the majority of hydroelectric plants worldwide. Their environmental impacts are not well documented and are believed to be limited, particularly regarding the contamination of food webs by methylmercury (MeHg), a neurotoxin. RORs are typically installed in small rivers where combined effects of watershed disturban ...

Article GUID: 38775830

Children and chrono-exercise: Timing of physical activity on school and weekend days depends on sex and obesity status

Author(s): Reid RER; Henderson M; Barnett TA; Kakinami L; Tremblay A; Mathieu ME;

Recommendations for physical activity (PA) typically focus on frequency, intensity, duration, and type, but timing (chrono-exercise) is also important. The objective of this study is to describe when children are active on school and weekend days and explore PA timing across sex and body mass index (BMI) categories. 359 children (53% male), aged 9.6 (0.9) ...

Article GUID: 38083868

Comparison of different severe obesity definitions in predicting future cardiometabolic risk in a longitudinal cohort of children

Author(s): Kakinami L; Smyrnova A; Paradis G; Tremblay A; Henderson M;

Objectives: Severe obesity (SO) prevalence varies between reference curve-based definitions (WHO: =99th percentile, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): >1.2×95th percentile). Whether SO definitions differentially predict cardiometabolic disease risk is critical for proper clinical care and management but is unknown.

Article GUID: 35705336

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