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Update and validation of the Beliefs about Losing Control Inventory-II (BALCI-II): a psychometric investigation

Author(s): Kelly-Turner K; Radomsky AS;

The Beliefs about Losing Control Inventory (BALCI) was developed to assess negative beliefs about losing control in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Since its creation, research and theoretical work support negative beliefs about losing control as a potential transdiagnostic construct. The present study revised and expanded the original BALCI to be mo ...

Article GUID: 39373713

At the mercy of myself: A thematic analysis of beliefs about losing control

Author(s): Kelly-Turner K; Radomsky AS;

Purpose: Concerns about the likelihood, consequences, and meaning of losing control are commonplace across anxiety-related disorders. However, several experimental studies have suggested that individuals without a diagnosis of a mental disorder also believe that they can and will lose control under the right circumstances. Understanding the range of belie ...

Article GUID: 38131416

What's control got to do with it? A systematic review of control beliefs in obsessive-compulsive disorder

Author(s): Sandstrom A; Krause S; Ouellet-Courtois C; Kelly-Turner K; Radomsky AS;

Current conceptualizations of control-related beliefs in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) have largely been limited to beliefs about the need to control thoughts. Although growing evidence supports the notion of considering broader control-related constructs in this disorder, there has been limited research aimed at integrating findings across studies, ...

Article GUID: 38091769

Always Saying the Wrong Thing: Negative Beliefs About Losing Control Cause Symptoms of Social Anxiety

Author(s): Kelly-Turner K; Radomsky AS;

Background: Individuals with social anxiety disorder (SAD) often report a fear that they will lose control of their emotions or report intense, unpleasant thoughts or images of uncontrollably humiliating themselves in social situations. These fears and associated beliefs that one is likely to lose control may underlie the anxiety and/or cognitive biases ( ...

Article GUID: 36117751

Promoting Postsecondary Education in Low-Income Youth: The Moderating Role of Socio-Behavioral and Academic Skills in the Context of a Major Educational Reform

Author(s): Véronneau MH; Serbin LA; Kennedy-Turner K; Stack DM; Ledingham JE; Schwartzman AE;

Governments around the world are pressed to invest in postsecondary education. However, little research exists to document whether large-scale educational reforms aimed at increasing rates of postsecondary attendance benefit youth's developmental outcomes. This study tested whether an educational reform occurring in Québec, Canada, in the 1960s increa ...

Article GUID: 34843080

Overestimation of Postpartum Depression Prevalence Based on a 5-item Version of the EPDS: Systematic Review and Individual Participant Data Meta-analysis

Author(s): Thombs BD; Levis B; Lyubenova A; Neupane D; Negeri Z; Wu Y; Sun Y; He C; Krishnan A; Vigod SN; Bhandari PM; Imran M; Rice DB; Azar M; Chiovitti MJ; Saadat N; Riehm KE; Boruff JT; Cuijpers P; Gilbody S; Ioannidis JPA; Kloda LA; Patten SB; ...

Objective: The Maternal Mental Health in Canada, 2018/2019, survey reported that 18% of 7,085 mothers who recently gave birth reported "feelings consistent with postpartum depression" based on scores =7 on a 5-item version of the Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale (EPDS-5). The EPDS-5 was desi ...

Article GUID: 33104415

Depression prevalence based on the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale compared to Structured Clinical Interview for DSM DIsorders classification: Systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis

Author(s): Lyubenova A; Neupane D; Levis B; Wu Y; Sun Y; He C; Krishnan A; Bhandari PM; Negeri Z; Imran M; Rice DB; Azar M; Chiovitti MJ; Saadat N; Riehm KE; Boruff JT; Ioannidis JPA; Cuijpers P; Gilbody S; Kloda LA; Patten SB; Shrier I; Ziegelstei ...

Objectives: Estimates of depression prevalence in pregnancy and postpartum are based on the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) more than on any other method. We aimed to determine if any EPDS cutoff can accurately and consistently estimate depression prevalence in individual studies. Me ...

Article GUID: 33089942

Comparison of major depression diagnostic classification probability using the SCID, CIDI, and MINI diagnostic interviews among women in pregnancy or postpartum: An individual participant data meta-analysis

Author(s): Levis B; McMillan D; Sun Y; He C; Rice DB; Krishnan A; Wu Y; Azar M; Sanchez TA; Chiovitti MJ; Bhandari PM; Neupane D; Saadat N; Riehm KE; Imran M; Boruff JT; Cuijpers P; Gilbody S; Ioannidis JPA; Kloda LA; Patten SB; Shrier I; Ziegelste ...

Objectives: A previous individual participant data meta-analysis (IPDMA) identified differences in major depression classification rates between different diagnostic interviews, controlling for depressive symptoms on the basis of the Patient Health Questionnaire-9. We aimed to determine whether s ...

Article GUID: 31568624

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