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Face Boundary Formulation for Harmonic Models: Face Image Resembling

Author(s): Huang HT; Li ZC; Wei Y; Suen CY;

This paper is devoted to numerical algorithms based on harmonic transformations with two goals: (1) face boundary formulation by blending techniques based on the known characteristic nodes and (2) some challenging examples of face resembling. The formulation of the face boundary is imperative for face recognition, transformation, and combination. Mapping ...

Article GUID: 39852327

Long-term effects of PM2·5 on neurological disorders in the American Medicare population: a longitudinal cohort study.

Author(s): Shi L, Wu X, Danesh Yazdi M, Braun D, Abu Awad Y, Wei Y, Liu P, Di Q, Wang Y, Schwartz J, Dominici F, Kioumourtzoglou MA, Zanobetti A

BACKGROUND: Accumulating evidence links fine particulate matter (PM2·5) to premature mortality, cardiovascular disease, and respiratory disease. However, less is known about the influence of PM2·5 on neurological disorders. We aimed to investigate the effect of long-term PM2·5 exposure on develop ...

Article GUID: 33091388

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