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Cooperative Sensitization Upconversion in Solution Dispersions of Co-Crystal Assemblies of Mononuclear Yb3+ and Eu3+ Complexes

Author(s): Sun G; Xie Y; Wang Y; Mandl GA; Maurizio SL; Zhang H; Ottenwaelder X; Capobianco JA; Sun L;

Lanthanide upconversion luminescence in nanoparticles has prompted continuous breakthroughs in information storage, temperature sensing, and biomedical applications, among others. Achieving upconversion luminescence at the molecular scale is still a critical challenge in modern chemistry. In this ...

Article GUID: 37040148

Upconversion Luminescence through Cooperative and Energy-Transfer Mechanisms in Yb3+ -Metal-Organic Frameworks

Author(s): Xie Y; Sun G; Mandl GA; Maurizio SL; Chen J; Capobianco JA; Sun L;

Lanthanide-doped metal-organic frameworks (Ln-MOFs) have versatile luminescence properties, however it is challenging to achieve lanthanide-based upconversion luminescence in these materials. Here, 1,3,5-benzenetricarboxylic acid (BTC) and trivalent Yb3+ ions were used to generate crystalline Yb-BTC MOF 1D-microrods with upconversion luminescence under ne ...

Article GUID: 36437239

Energy migration control of multi-modal emissions in an Er3+ doped nanostructure toward information encryption and deep learning decoding

Author(s): Song Y; Lu M; Mandl GA; Xie Y; Sun G; Chen J; Liu X; Capobianco JA; Sun L;

Modulating the emission wavelengths of materials has always been a primary focus of fluorescence technology. Nanocrystals (NCs) doped with lanthanide ions with rich energy levels can produce a variety of emissions at different excitation wavelengths. However, the control of multi-modal emissions of these ions has remained a challenge. Herein, we present a ...

Article GUID: 34476872

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