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Chloroplast biogenesis involves spatial coordination of nuclear and organellar gene expression in Chlamydomonas

Author(s): Sun Y; Bakhtiari S; Valente-Paterno M; Wu Y; Nishimura Y; Shen W; Law C; Dhaliwal J; Dai D; Bui KH; Zerges W;

The localization of translation can direct the polypeptide product to the proper intracellular compartment. Our results reveal translation by cytosolic ribosomes on a domain of the chloroplast envelope in the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas (Chlamydomonas reinhardtii). We show that this enve ...

Article GUID: 38709497

An RNA granule for translation quality control in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Author(s): Dhaliwal JS; Panozzo C; Benard L; Zerges W;

Cytoplasmic RNA granules compartmentalize phases of the translation cycle in eukaryotes. We previously reported the localization of oxidized RNA to cytoplasmic foci called oxidized RNA bodies (ORBs) in human cells. We show here that ORBs are RNA granules in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Several lines of evidence support a role of ORBs in the compartmentalizat ...

Article GUID: 36373798

Mixtures of rare earth elements show antagonistic interactions in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

Author(s): Morel E; Cui L; Zerges W; Wilkinson KJ;

In order to better understand the environmental risks of the rare earth elements (REEs), it is necessary to determine their fate and biological effects under environmentally relevant conditions (e.g. at low concentrations, REE mixtures). Here, the unicellular freshwater microalga, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, was exposed for 2 h to one of three soluble REEs ...

Article GUID: 34175518

Photosystem Biogenesis Is Localized to the Translation Zone in the Chloroplast of Chlamydomonas.

Author(s): Sun Y, Valente-Paterno MI, Bakhtiari S, Law C, Zhan Y, Zerges W

Photosystem Biogenesis Is Localized to the Translation Zone in the Chloroplast of Chlamydomonas.

Plant Cell. 2019 Oct 07;:

Authors: Sun Y, Valente-Paterno MI, Bakhtiari S, Law C, Zhan Y, Zerges W

Intracellular processes can be localized for efficiency or regulation. For example, localized mRNA translation by chl ...

Article GUID: 31591163

Biogenic membranes of the chloroplast in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.

Author(s): Schottkowski M, Peters M, Zhan Y, Rifai O, Zhang Y, Zerges W

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Nov 20;109(47):19286-91 Authors: Schottkowski M, Peters M, Zhan Y, Rifai O, Zhang Y, Zerges W

Article GUID: 23129655

Translational regulation in chloroplasts for development and homeostasis.

Author(s): Sun Y, Zerges W

Biochim Biophys Acta. 2015 Sep;1847(9):809-20 Authors: Sun Y, Zerges W

Article GUID: 25988717

Localized control of oxidized RNA.

Author(s): Zhan Y, Dhaliwal JS, Adjibade P, Uniacke J, Mazroui R, Zerges W

J Cell Sci. 2015 Nov 15;128(22):4210-9 Authors: Zhan Y, Dhaliwal JS, Adjibade P, Uniacke J, Mazroui R, Zerges W

Article GUID: 26449969

The RNA Structure of cis-acting Translational Elements of the Chloroplast psbC mRNA in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.

Author(s): Rahim MM, Vigneault F, Zerges W

The RNA Structure of cis-acting Translational Elements of the Chloroplast psbC mRNA in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.

Front Plant Sci. 2016;7:828

Authors: Rahim MM, Vigneault F, Zerges W

Photosystem II is the first of two light-driven oxidoreductase complexes in oxygenic photosynthesis. The biogenesis of photosystem ...

Article GUID: 27379123

Pyrenoid functions revealed by proteomics in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

Author(s): Zhan Y; Marchand CH; Maes A; Mauries A; Sun Y; Dhaliwal JS; Uniacke J; Arragain S; Jiang H; Gold ND; Martin VJJ; Lemaire SD; Zerges W;

Organelles are intracellular compartments which are themselves compartmentalized. Biogenic and metabolic processes are localized to specialized domains or microcompartments to enhance their efficiency and suppress deleterious side reactions. An example of intra-organellar compartmentalization is ...

Article GUID: 29481573

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