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Search for Highly Ionizing Particles in pp Collisions during LHC Run 2 Using the Full MoEDAL Detector

Author(s): Acharya B; Alexandre J; Benes P; Bergmann B; Bertolucci S; Bevan A; Brancaccio R; Branzas H; Burian P; Campbell M; Cecchini S; Cho YM; de Montigny M; De Roeck A; Ellis JR; Fairbairn M; Felea D; Frank M; Hays J; Hirt AM; Ho DL; Hung PQ; J ...

This search for magnetic monopoles (MMs) and high electric charge objects (HECOs) with spins 0, 1/2, and 1, uses for the first time the full MoEDAL detector, exposed to 6.46 fb^{-1} proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV. The results are interpreted in terms of Drell-Yan and photon-fusion pair produc ...

Article GUID: 40053963

Librarian involvement on knowledge synthesis articles and its relationship to article citation count and Journal Impact Factor

Author(s): Alexander KL; Hall K; Chen YM;

Introduction: Our aim was to determine if there is a relationship between librarian involvement on a knowledge synthesis project and the synthesis's citation count or the Journal Impact Factor (JIF) of its publication venue. Methods: A total of 551 knowledge syntheses published during a one-year period (2020) from a single category, "Psychology, ...

Article GUID: 40051474

MRI as a viable alternative to CT for 3D surgical planning of Cavitary bone tumors

Author(s): Chae Y; Cheers GM; Kim M; Reidler P; Klein A; Fevens T; Holzapfel BM; Mayer-Wagner S;

Cavitary bone defects, defined as a volumetric loss of native bone tissue, require accurate preoperative imaging for treatment planning. While CT (computed tomography) has traditionally been the gold standard for segmentation due to its superior resolution of cortical bone, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) offers unique advantages, particularly in visuali ...

Article GUID: 40049253

Exon junction complexes regulate osteoclast-induced bone resorption by influencing the NFATc1 m6A distribution through the "shield effect"

Author(s): Sun B; Yang JG; Wang Z; Wang Z; Feng W; Li X; Liu SN; Li J; Zhu YQ; Zhang P; Wang W;

Background: The distribution of the m6A methylation modification on the transcriptome is highly regionally selective and is mainly concentrated in abnormally long exons and stop codons. However, in-depth research on the selective mechanism of m6A methylation is still lacking. Methods: In this research, meRIP sequencing, mRNA sequencing, meRIP, luciferase ...

Article GUID: 40051055

Neuropsychiatric Symptoms and Psychotropic Medication Use Following SARS-Cov-2 Infection Among Elderly Residents in Long-Term Care Facilities

Author(s): Cruz-Santiago D; Meng X; Canac-Marquis M; Sengupta A; Brassard JP; Pavey E; Girouard H; Vinh DC; Gouin JP;

Background: SARS-CoV-2 infection can lead to persistent post-acute neuropsychiatric symptoms. Older adults with multimorbidity may be at increased risk of post-acute symptoms after COVID-19. The goals of the present study were to assess the associations of SARS-CoV-2 infection with neuropsychiatr ...

Article GUID: 40051588

Photoactivated Rose Bengal Triggers Phospholipid Hydroperoxidation and Late Apoptosis in Colorectal Cancer Cells

Author(s): Ferreira AS; Mendes de Almeida Junior A; Kobal MB; Moreira LG; Camacho SA; de Toledo KA; Oliveira ON; DeWolf CE; Aoki PHB;

Rose Bengal (RB) is a promising photosensitizer (PS) for photodynamic therapy (PDT), but its application to colorectal carcinoma remains largely unexplored. Herein, we employ in vitro assays to demonstrate that incorporation of RB has substantial phototoxicity against Caco-2 cells, with more than ...

Article GUID: 40048492

A systematic analysis of disability inclusion in domestic climate policies

Author(s): Jodoin S; Bowie-Edwards A; Lofts K; Mangat S; Adjei B; Lesnikowski A;

We provide the first systematic analysis of whether, how, and to what extent people with disabilities and their human rights are included in two subsets of climate policies adopted by 195 parties to the Paris Agreement. We found that only 41 parties mention people with disabilities in their nationally determined contributions (NDCs), whereas only 75 do so ...

Article GUID: 40046455

The neural characteristics influencing literacy outcome in children with cochlear implants

Author(s): Koirala N; Manning J; Neumann S; Anderson C; Deroche MLD; Wolfe J; Pugh K; Landi N; Muthuraman M; Gracco VL;

Early hearing intervention in children with congenital hearing loss is critical for improving auditory development, speech recognition and both expressive and receptive language, which translates into better educational outcomes and quality of life. In children receiving hearing aids or cochlear ...

Article GUID: 40046341

Unveiling the association between information sources and young adults attitudes and concerns during COVID-19: Results from the iCARE study

Author(s): Tremblay N; Lavoie KL; Bacon SL; Bélanger-Gravel A;

Objectives: Throughout COVID-19, uncertain information on the virus and preventive measures circulated. Young adults, often relying on social rather than traditional media, showed lower adherence to recommendations. This study examines associations between information sources, attitudes toward public health measures and concerns among young adults. Study ...

Article GUID: 40043475

The Present and Future of Adult Entertainment: A Content Analysis of AI-Generated Pornography Websites

Author(s): Lapointe VA; Dubé S; Rukhlyadyev S; Kessai T; Lafortune D;

Fueled by advances in artificial intelligence (AI), the adult entertainment industry is undergoing a significant transformation. AI-generated pornography-or AI porn-is reshaping how people create and consume sexually explicit content, progressively offering rapid, mass access to large quantities of interactive and highly customizable experiences. Yet, des ...

Article GUID: 40032709

Spatial Variations of Atmospheric Alkylated Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons across the Western Pacific to the Southern Ocean: Unexpected Increasing Deposition

Author(s): Zhu FJ; Lu XM; Jia JW; Zhang X; Xing DF; Cai MH; Kallenborn R; Li YF; Muir DCG; Zhang ZF; Zhang X;

Spatial variations of atmospheric alkylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (Alk-PAHs) are key to understanding their long-range atmospheric transport (LRAT). However, limited Alk-PAHs data have hindered their LRAT characterizations on a global scale. In this study, 49 Alk-PAHs were measured in ...

Article GUID: 40025703

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