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Two-dimensional Nanosheets by Liquid Metal Exfoliation

Author(s): Bai Y; Xu Y; Sun L; Ward Z; Wang H; Ratnayake G; Wang C; Zhao M; He H; Gao J; Wu M; Lu S; Bepete G; Peng D; Liu B; Kang F; Terrones H; Terrones M; Lei Y;

Liquid exfoliation is a scalable and effective method for synthesizing 2D nanosheets (NSs) but often induces contamination and defects. Here, liquid metal gallium (Ga) is used to exfoliate bulk layered materials into 2D NSs at near room temperature, utilizing the liquid surface tension and Ga int ...

Article GUID: 39707650

Isotopic and molecular analyses of n-alkanes in a temporal study of coastal sediment contributions to organic carbon degradation induced by algal bloom and terrestrial runoff

Author(s): Mirzaei Y; Douglas PMJ; Gélinas Y;

The priming effect (PE) refers to the enhanced remineralization of recalcitrant organic carbon (OC) driven by the respiration of labile OC, potentially increasing CO2 fluxes from aquatic ecosystems. Patterns of PE induced by marine and terrestrial OC inputs can be explored through sedimentary contributions to the degraded OC pool. In this study, coastal s ...

Article GUID: 39700996

Editorial: Insight in non-pharmacological treatment of pain-2023

Author(s): Geoffrey Dover

No abstract available

Article GUID: 39697557

Challenges and promises of big team comparative cognition

Author(s): Alessandroni N; Altschul D; Baumgartner HA; Bazhydai M; Brosnan SF; Byers-Heinlein K; Call J; Chittka L; Elsherif M; Espinosa J; Freeman MS; Gjoneska B; Güntürkün O; Huber L; Krasheninnikova A; Mazza V; Miller R; Moreau D; Nawroth C; Pronizius E; Ruiz-Fernández S; Schwing R; Šlipogor V; Visser I; ...

No abstract available

Article GUID: 39695249

A 13,000-year history of vegetation and fire in a rare inland pine barrens: The Albany Pine Bush (Albany County, New York, USA)

Author(s): Tremblay M; Stager JC; St-Jacques JM; Murphy S; Peros M; Carl BS;

Two radiocarbon-dated pollen and charcoal records from cores collected at Stump Pond and a wetland in suburban Albany County, New York, provide new insights into the environmental history of a unique inland pine barrens that is currently surrounded and threatened by urban development: the Albany Pine Bush (APB). The Stump Pond core shows that the pond for ...

Article GUID: 39693293

Oil spills in coastal regions of the Arctic and Subarctic: Environmental impacts, response tactics, and preparedness

Author(s): Bi H; Wang Z; Yue R; Sui J; Mulligan CN; Lee K; Pegau S; Chen Z; An C;

Coastal areas of the Arctic and Subarctic are vulnerable to accidental oil spills, impacting the ecosystem, society, and economy. This article provides a comprehensive overview of oil spill pollution issues in cold regions, focusing on environmental impacts, oil transport and fate, coastal/shoreline response measures, and the state of current internationa ...

Article GUID: 39689468

Asymmetric autocatalytic reactions and their stationary distribution

Author(s): Gallinger C; Popovic L;

We consider a general class of autocatalytic reactions, which has been shown to display stochastic switching behaviour (discreteness-induced transitions (DITs)) in some parameter regimes. This behaviour was shown to occur either when the overall species count is low or when the rate of inflow and outflow of species is relatively much smaller than the rate ...

Article GUID: 39679357

The Effects of Weekly Levels of Supervisor Support and Workload on Next Week Levels of Well-Being, Satisfaction, and Performance as Mediated by Weekend Work Recovery

Author(s): Cheyroux P; Morin AJS; Colombat P; Blechman Y; Gillet N;

This diary study sought to examine the direct and indirect effects of individuals' perceptions of supervisor support and workload during a work week (week 1) on their well-being, satisfaction, and performance at work during the following work week (week 2) as mediated through the quality of their weekend work recovery experiences (psychological detach ...

Article GUID: 39676703

Deep clustering analysis via variational autoencoder with Gamma mixture latent embeddings

Author(s): Guo J; Fan W; Amayri M; Bouguila N;

This article proposes a novel deep clustering model based on the variational autoencoder (VAE), named GamMM-VAE, which can learn latent representations of training data for clustering in an unsupervised manner. Most existing VAE-based deep clustering methods use the Gaussian mixture model (GMM) as a prior on the latent space. We employ a more flexible asy ...

Article GUID: 39662201

Study on the mechanism of regulating micromolar Fe utilization and promoting denitrification by guanosine monophosphate (GMP) based multi-signal functional material Hematin@Fe/GMP

Author(s): Hao Y; Guo T; Li H; Liu W; Chen Z; Wang X; Guo J;

A novel multi-signal functional material consisting of Hematin, Fe, and guanosine monophosphate (GMP) was successfully constructed (Hematin@Fe/GMP) to enhance denitrification efficiency based on the signal network regulation of electron transfer, micromolar Fe utilization, and microbial community. Hematin@Fe/GMP enhanced nitrate reduction rate by 2.33-fol ...

Article GUID: 39657473

Validation and Reliability of the Dyslexia Adult Checklist in Screening for Dyslexia

Author(s): Stark Z; Elalouf K; Soldano V; Franzen L; Johnson AP;

Dyslexia is a language-based neurobiological and developmental learning disability marked by inaccurate and disfluent word recognition, poor decoding, and difficulty spelling. Individuals can be diagnosed with and experience symptoms of dyslexia throughout their lifespan. Screening tools such as the Dyslexia Adult Checklist allow individuals to self-evalu ...

Article GUID: 39660384

Low Back Pain During and After Spaceflight: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis

Author(s): Ceniza-Bordallo G; Zimmermann E; Vigouroux M; Niburski K; Fortin M; Ouellet J; Cata JP; Ingelmo PM;

Space flights can produce physiological changes in the spine, leading to the development of acute and chronic pain in passengers. However, there is a lack of comprehensive literature exploring physiological spine changes and acute and chronic pain in space passengers (astronauts and animals). The ...

Article GUID: 39660277

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