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Association between aggression and ADHD polygenic scores and school-age aggression: the mediating role of preschool externalizing behaviors and adverse experiences

Author(s): Bouliane M; Boivin M; Kretschmer T; Lafreniere B; Paquin S; Tremblay R; Côté S; Gouin JP; Andlauer TFM; Petitclerc A; Ouellet-Morin I;

Individual differences in physical aggression (PA) are largely heritable. However, it remains unclear how genetic propensity for aggression manifests early in life and relates to school-age PA. Preschool externalizing behavior problems (EXT) and adverse experiences are known predictors of school- ...

Article GUID: 39907790

In Shift and In Variance: Assessing the Robustness of HAR Deep Learning Models Against Variability

Author(s): Khaked AA; Oishi N; Roggen D; Lago P;

Deep learning (DL)-based Human Activity Recognition (HAR) using wearable inertial measurement unit (IMU) sensors can revolutionize continuous health monitoring and early disease prediction. However, most DL HAR models are untested in their robustness to real-world variability, as they are trained on limited lab-controlled data. In this study, we isolated ...

Article GUID: 39860799

Early Socio-Emotional Difficulty as a Childhood Barrier to the Expected Benefits of Active Play: Associated Risks for School Engagement in Adolescence

Author(s): Kosak LA; Harandian K; Bacon SL; Archambault I; Correale L; Pagani LS;

Active play allows children to develop social and cognitive skills, which could lead to higher school engagement. Little is known about the role of child socioemotional difficulty in these associations. This study aims to examine the interaction between active play and socioemotional difficulty in childhood and their prospective association with academic ...

Article GUID: 39457326

Electroacupuncture Reduces Heart Rate and Perceived Exertion During a Bike Test: A Preliminary Analysis

Author(s): Gaudet E; Castonguay T; Fortin M; Dover G;

Background: Preliminary research suggests that acupuncture can improve cardiovascular function. The purpose of our study was to determine if electroacupuncture can improve performance and post-exercise recovery. Methods: Thirty-two healthy people participated in this study (14 men and 18 women, aged 23.6 ± 3.5 years). The first visit included baseline me ...

Article GUID: 39457342

Active Child, Accomplished Youth: Middle Childhood Active Leisure Fuels Academic Success by Emerging Adulthood

Author(s): Kosak LA; Harandian K; Bacon SL; Fitzpatrick C; Correale L; Pagani LS;

ackground/Objectives: Physical activity is an important protective factor throughout life. However, little research has observed the associations between the practice of physical activity and academic success longitudinally, and none have done so with a pan-Canadian sample. This article aims to examine the prospective associations between active leisure i ...

Article GUID: 39334672

Cardiometabolic disease risk in relation to objectively measured physical activity, sedentary behaviour in South African adults with knee and hip osteoarthritis

Author(s): Kaoje YS; Mokete L; Dafkin C; Pietrzak J; Sikhauli K; Frimpong E; Meiring RM;

Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the relationship between cardiometabolic disease risk and time spent in device-measured activity behaviours in a cohort of people with advanced osteoarthritis (OA) awaiting joint replacement surgery. Materials and methods: Cardiometabolic risk biomarkers were assessed in people with OA (n = 96; hip n = 38, knee n ...

Article GUID: 39162078

Feasibility and acceptability of an adapted peer-based walking intervention for adults with moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury

Author(s): Quilico EL; Wilkinson S; Duncan LR; Sweet SN; Alarie C; Bédard E; Gheta I; Brodeur CL; Colantonio A; Swaine BR;

Purpose: To examine the feasibility and acceptability of a 6-week peer-based walking intervention for adults with moderate-to-severe TBI with telehealth supports. Materials and methods: Pre-post feasibility trial with 18 community-dwelling adults (10 men; 8 women) with moderate-to-severe TBI age ...

Article GUID: 39051571

EEG/MEG source imaging of deep brain activity within the maximum entropy on the mean framework: Simulations and validation in epilepsy

Author(s): Afnan J; Cai Z; Lina JM; Abdallah C; Delaire E; Avigdor T; Ros V; Hedrich T; von Ellenrieder N; Kobayashi E; Frauscher B; Gotman J; Grova C;

Electro/Magneto-EncephaloGraphy (EEG/MEG) source imaging (EMSI) of epileptic activity from deep generators is often challenging due to the higher sensitivity of EEG/MEG to superficial regions and to the spatial configuration of subcortical structures. We previously demonstrated the ability of the ...

Article GUID: 38994740

Expansion of Auxiliary Activity Family 5 sequence space via biochemical characterization of six new copper radical oxidases

Author(s): Fong JK; Mathieu Y; Vo MT; Bellemare A; Tsang A; Brumer H;

Bacterial and fungal copper radical oxidases (CROs) from Auxiliary Activity Family 5 (AA5) are implicated in morphogenesis and pathogenesis. The unique catalytic properties of CROs also make these enzymes attractive biocatalysts for the transformation of small molecules and biopolymers. Despite a recent increase in the number of characterized AA5 members, ...

Article GUID: 38953370

Bulk Free Radical Terpolymerization of Butyl Acrylate, 2-Methylene-1,3-Dioxepane and Vinyl Acetate: Terpolymer Reactivity Ratio Estimation

Author(s): Movafagh M; Meek KM; Scott AJ; Penlidis A; Dubé MA;

This investigation introduces the first estimation of ternary reactivity ratios for a butyl acrylate (BA), 2-methylene-1,3-dioxepane (MDO), and vinyl acetate (VAc) system at 50 °C, with an aim to develop biodegradable pressure-sensitive adhesives (PSAs). In this study, we applied the error-in-variables model (EVM) to estimate reactivity ratios. The ternar ...

Article GUID: 38794524

Psychometric Properties of a French Version of the Perceived Motor Competence in Childhood Questionnaire

Author(s): Maïano C; Morin AJS; April J; Tietjens M; St-Jean C; Gagnon C; Dreiskämper D; Aimé A;

In this study, we examined the psychometric properties of a French version of the Perceived Motor Competence in Childhood (PMC-C) questionnaire. The participants were 219 French-speaking children (aged 5-12 years), recruited from elementary schools in the Canadian Province of Quebec. Results supported the validity and reliability of a second-order confirm ...

Article GUID: 33765895

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