Author(s): Koirala N; Manning J; Neumann S; Anderson C; Deroche MLD; Wolfe J; Pugh K; Landi N; Muthuraman M; Gracco VL;
Early hearing intervention in children with congenital hearing loss is critical for improving auditory development, speech recognition and both expressive and receptive language, which translates into better educational outcomes and quality of life. In children receiving hearing aids or cochlear ...
Article GUID: 40046341
Author(s): Ma C; Neri F; Gu L; Wang Z; Wang J; Qing A; Wang Y;
Machine learning algorithms are commonly used for quickly and efficiently counting people from a crowd. Test-time adaptation methods for crowd counting adjust model parameters and employ additional data augmentation to better adapt the model to the specific conditions encountered during testing. The majority of current studies concentrate on unsupervised ...
Article GUID: 39252679
Author(s): Shen N; Jilka S; Sawchuk K;
No abstract available
Article GUID: 39100959
Author(s): Argyrides M; Anastasiades E; Maïano C; Swami V;
The Teruel Orthorexia Scale (TOS) is a 17-item instrument designed to assess distinct facets of Orthorexia Nervosa (ON) and Healthy Orthorexia (HO). While a bidimensional model of TOS scores has been supported in diverse national and linguistic groups, the psychometric properties of the TOS have not been previously assessed in Greek-speaking populations. ...
Article GUID: 38145878
Author(s): Sales LP; Pires MM;
Refugia-based conservation strategies offer long-term effectiveness and minimize uncertainty on strategies for climate change adaptation. Here, we use distribution modelling to identify climate change refugia for 617 terrestrial mammals and quantify the role of protected areas in safeguarding these zones across South America. Moist tropical forests locate ...
Article GUID: 36919472
Author(s): Depto DS; Rizvee MM; Rahman A; Zunair H; Rahman MS; Mahdy MRC;
Uncontrolled proliferation of B-lymphoblast cells is a common characterization of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL). B-lymphoblasts are found in large numbers in peripheral blood in malignant cases. Early detection of the cell in bone marrow is essential as the disease progresses rapidly if left untreated. However, automated classification of the cell is ...
Article GUID: 36516574
Author(s): Carly D Ziter
Research Highlight: Brans, K. I., Tüzün, N., Sentis, A., De Meester, L., & Stoks, R. (2021). Cryptic eco-evolutionary feedback in the city: Urban evolution of prey dampens the effect of urban evolution of the predator. Journal of Animal Ecology. Despite the strength and ubiquity of urban stressors on multiple t ...
Article GUID: 35238028
Author(s): Valois P; Tessier M; Bouchard D; Talbot D; Morin AJS; Anctil F; Cloutier G;
Climate change is predicted to increase the frequency and intensity of floods in the province of Quebec, Canada. Therefore, in 2015, to better monitor the level of adaptation to flooding of Quebec residents living in or near a flood-prone area, the Quebec Observatory of Adaptation to Climate Change developed five indices of adaptation to flooding, accordi ...
Article GUID: 33143677
Author(s): Mahato P, Goyette B, Rahaman MS, Rajagopal R
Bioengineering (Basel). 2020 Jul 25;7(3): Authors: Mahato P, Goyette B, Rahaman MS, Rajagopal R
Article GUID: 32722477
Author(s): Brady SP, Bolnick DI, Angert AL, Gonzalez A, Barrett RDH, Crispo E, Derry AM, Eckert CG, Fraser DJ, Fussmann GF, Guichard F, Lamy T, McAdam AG, Newman AEM, Paccard A, Rolshausen G, Simons AM, Hendry AP
Evol Appl. 2019 Aug;12(7):1229-1242 Authors: Brady SP, Bolnick DI, Angert AL, Gonzalez A, Barrett RDH, Crispo E, Derry AM, Eckert CG, Fraser DJ, Fussmann GF, Guichard F, Lamy T, McAdam AG, Newman AEM, Paccard A, Rolshausen G, Simons AM, Hendry AP
Article GUID: 31417611
Author(s): Derry AM, Fraser DJ, Brady SP, Astorg L, Lawrence ER, Martin GK, Matte JM, Negrín Dastis JO, Paccard A, Barrett RDH, Chapman LJ, Lane JE, Ballas CG, Close M, Crispo E
Evol Appl. 2019 Aug;12(7):1287-1304 Authors: Derry AM, Fraser DJ, Brady SP, Astorg L, Lawrence ER, Martin GK, Matte JM, Negrín Dastis JO, Paccard A, Barrett RDH, Chapman LJ, Lane JE, Ballas CG, Close M, Crispo E
Article GUID: 31417615
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