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Identification of Adsorption Sites for CO2 in a Series of Rare-Earth and Zr-Based Metal-Organic Frameworks

Author(s): Tassé D; Quezada-Novoa V; Copeman C; Howarth AJ; Rochefort A;

The adsorption of CO2 in MOF-808, NU-1000 and a series of rare-earth CU-10 analogues has been studied with first principles DFT and classical Monte-Carlo methods. DFT calculations describe the interaction of CO2 with the different metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) as physisorption, but where we can distinguish several adsorption sites in the vicinity of the ...

Article GUID: 39995385

Development of a Bayesian inference model for assessing ventilation condition based on CO2 meters in primary schools

Author(s): Hou D; Wang LL; Katal A; Yan S; Zhou LG; Wang V; Vuotari M; Li E; Xie Z;

Outdoor fresh air ventilation plays a significant role in reducing airborne transmission of diseases in indoor spaces. School classrooms are considerably challenged during the COVID-19 pandemic because of the increasing need for in-person education, untimely and incompleted vaccinations, high occupancy density, and uncertain ventilation conditions. Many s ...

Article GUID: 36035815

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