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CRISPR/Cas9 mediated gene editing of transcription factor ACE1 for enhanced cellulase production in thermophilic fungus Rasamsonia emersonii

Author(s): Singh V; Raheja Y; Basotra N; Sharma G; Tsang A; Chadha BS;

Background: The filamentous fungus Rasamsonia emersonii has immense potential to produce biorefinery relevant thermostable cellulase and hemicellulase enzymes using lignocellulosic biomass. Previously in our lab, a hyper-cellulase producing strain of R. emersonii was developed through classical breeding and system biology approaches. ACE1, a pivotal trans ...

Article GUID: 37658430

The chimeric GaaR-XlnR transcription factor induces pectinolytic activities in the presence of D-xylose in Aspergillus niger

Author(s): Kun RS; Garrigues S; Di Falco M; Tsang A; de Vries RP;

Aspergillus niger is a filamentous fungus well known for its ability to produce a wide variety of pectinolytic enzymes, which have many applications in the industry. The transcriptional activator GaaR is induced by 2-keto-3-deoxy-L-galactonate, a compound derived from D-galacturonic acid, and plays a major role in the regulation of pectinolytic genes. The ...

Article GUID: 34236481

Identification of a Novel Biosynthetic Gene Cluster in Aspergillus niger Using Comparative Genomics

Author(s): Evdokias G; Semper C; Mora-Ochomogo M; Di Falco M; Nguyen TTM; Savchenko A; Tsang A; Benoit-Gelber I;

Previously, DNA microarrays analysis showed that, in co-culture with Bacillus subtilis, a biosynthetic gene cluster anchored with a nonribosomal peptides synthetase of Aspergillus niger is downregulated. Based on phylogenetic and synteny analyses, we show here that this gene cluster, NRRL3_00036- ...

Article GUID: 34064722

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