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Amorphous Cu/Fe nanoparticles with tandem intracellular and extracellular electron capacity for enhancing denitrification performance and recovery of co-contaminant suppressed denitrification

Author(s): Fu J; Guo T; Li H; Liu W; Chen Z; Wang X; Guo J;

In this study, a functionally stable insoluble Cu/Fe nanoparticles (Cu/Fe NPs) were synthesized and applied denitrification with different contaminants. The results showed that 50 mg/L Cu/Fe NPs increased NO3--N reduction rate up to 14.3 mg/(L·h) about 3 folds compared with the control system (4.7 mg/(L·h)), and Cu/Fe NPs exhibited excellent restorative e ...

Article GUID: 39542060

Structural brain network topological alterations in stuttering adults

Author(s): Gracco VL; Sares AG; Koirala N;

Persistent developmental stuttering is a speech disorder that primarily affects normal speech fluency but encompasses a complex set of symptoms ranging from reduced sensorimotor integration to socioemotional challenges. Here, we investigated the whole-brain structural connectome and its topological alterations in adults who stutter. Diffusion-weighted ima ...

Article GUID: 35368614

The effect of step-feeding distribution ratio on high concentration perchlorate removal performance in ABR system with heterotrophic combined sulfur autotrophic process.

Author(s): Li H, Li K, Guo J, Chen Z, Han Y, Song Y, Lu C, Hou Y, Zhang D, Zhang Y

In a lab-scale anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR) with eight compartments, the heterotrophic and sulfur autotrophic processes were combined to remove perchlorate. And then, the step-feeding distribution ratio of the heterotrophic perchlorate reduction unit (HPR unit) was optimized to achieve efficient removal of high concentration perchlorate. Under the opti ...

Article GUID: 33485237

BioMiCo: a supervised Bayesian model for inference of microbial community structure.

Author(s): Shafiei M, Dunn KA, Boon E, MacDonald SM, Walsh DA, Gu H, Bielawski JP

Microbiome. 2015;3:8 Authors: Shafiei M, Dunn KA, Boon E, MacDonald SM, Walsh DA, Gu H, Bielawski JP

Article GUID: 25774293

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