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Human ageing is associated with more rigid concept spaces

Author(s): Devine S; Neumann C; Levari D; Eppinger B;

Prevalence-induced concept change describes a cognitive mechanism by which someone's definition of a concept shifts as the prevalence of instances of that concept changes. While this phenomenon has been established in young adults, it is unclear how it affects older adults. In this study, we explore how prevalence-induced concept change affects older ...

Article GUID: 36253591

Are translation equivalents special? Evidence from simulations and empirical data from bilingual infants

Author(s): Tsui RK; Gonzalez-Barrero AM; Schott E; Byers-Heinlein K;

The acquisition of translation equivalents is often considered a special component of bilingual children's vocabulary development, as bilinguals have to learn words that share the same meaning across their two languages. This study examined three contrasting accounts for bilingual children's acquisition of translation equivalents relative to singl ...

Article GUID: 35430556

Meta-control: From psychology to computational neuroscience

Author(s): Eppinger B; Goschke T; Musslick S;

Research in the past decades shed light on the different mechanisms that underlie our capacity for cognitive control. However, the meta-level processes that regulate cognitive control itself remain poorly understood. Following the terminology from artificial intelligence, meta-control can be defined as a collection of mechanisms that (a) monitor the progr ...

Article GUID: 34081267

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