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A guide to exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM) and bifactor-ESEM in body image research

Author(s): Swami V; Maïano C; Morin AJS;

Traditionally, assessments of factor validity of body image instruments have relied on exploratory or confirmatory factor analysis. However, the emergence of exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM), a resurgence of interest in bifactor models, and the ability to combine both models (bifactor-ESEM) is beginning to shape the future of body image res ...

Article GUID: 39492241

The Body and Appearance Self-Conscious Emotions Scale (BASES): A comprehensive examination of its factorial validity, with recommendations for researchers

Author(s): Swami V; Maïano C; Morin AJS;

The 16-item Body and Appearance Self-Conscious Emotions Scale (BASES) is widely used to assess the discrete emotions of guilt, shame, authentic pride, and hubristic pride. However, recent work has questioned the factorial validity of the BASES (i.e., the extent to which it truly assesses a discrete set of self-conscious emotions). In the present study, we ...

Article GUID: 35750012

Validation of a Revised Version of the Center for Epidemiologic Depression Scale for Youth with Intellectual Disabilities (CESD-ID-R)

Author(s): Olivier E; Lacombe C; Morin AJS; Houle SA; Gagnon C; Tracey D; Craven RG; Maïano C;

This study proposes a revision (R) of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale for youth with ID (CESD-ID) in English and French. 346 youth (36.02% girls) with mild (51.26%) and moderate (48.78%) ID (11-22 years; M = 15.69), enrolled in secondary schools in Canada (French-speaking; n = 115), and Australia (English-speaking; n = 231), as well ...

Article GUID: 34716523

Toward a Comprehensive Assessment of Relationships with Teachers and Parents for Youth with Intellectual Disabilities

Author(s): Dubé C; Olivier E; Morin AJS; Tracey D; Craven RG; Maïano C;

This study proposes a multi-informant (youth, teachers, and parents) measure of relationship quality with adults for youth with intellectual disabilities (ID). A sample of 395 youth with mild (49.15%) and moderate (50.85%) ID, aged 11-22 (M = 15.82) was recruited in Canada (French-speaking, N = 142), and Australia (English-speaking, N = 253). Results supp ...

Article GUID: 34185237

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