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Strategies and resources used by public health units to encourage COVID-19 vaccination among priority groups: a behavioural science-informed review of three urban centres in Canada

Author(s): Langmuir T; Wilson M; McCleary N; Patey AM; Mekki K; Ghazal H; Estey Noad E; Buchan J; Dubey V; Galley J; Gibson E; Fontaine G; Smith M; Alghamyan A; Thompson K; Crawshaw J; Grimshaw JM; Arnason T; Brehaut J; Michie S; Brouwers M; Presse ...

Background: Ensuring widespread COVID-19 vaccine uptake is a public health priority in Canada and globally, particularly within communities that exhibit lower uptake rates and are at a higher risk of infection. Public health units (PHUs) have leveraged many resources to promote the uptake of reco ...

Article GUID: 39891139

Modeling hormonal contraception in female rats: a framework for studies in behavioral neurobiology

Author(s): Lacasse JM; Gomez-Perales E; Brake WG;

Research on hormonal contraceptives (HC) in animal models is lacking, and as a result, so is our understanding of the impact of HC on the brain and behavior. Here, we provide a review of the pharmacology of HC, as well as the methodology and best practices for designing a model of HC in female rats. We outline specific methodological considerations regard ...

Article GUID: 35952797

Cue-alcohol associative learning in female rats.

Author(s): Cofresí RU, Monfils MH, Chaudhri N, Gonzales RA, Lee HJ

The ability of environmental cues to trigger alcohol-seeking behaviors is believed to facilitate problematic alcohol use. We previously showed that the development of this cue-evoked alcohol approach reflects cue-alcohol learning and memory in the adult male rat; however, we do not know whether the same is true for similarly aged female rats. Consequently ...

Article GUID: 31002878

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