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A protocol for trustworthy EEG decoding with neural networks

Author(s): Borra D; Magosso E; Ravanelli M;

Deep learning solutions have rapidly emerged for EEG decoding, achieving state-of-the-art performance on a variety of decoding tasks. Despite their high performance, existing solutions do not fully address the challenge posed by the introduction of many hyperparameters, defining data pre-processing, network architecture, network training, and data augment ...

Article GUID: 39549492

Monitoring pilot trainees' cognitive control under a simulator-based training process with EEG microstate analysis

Author(s): Zhao M; Jia W; Jennings S; Law A; Bourgon A; Su C; Larose MH; Grenier H; Bowness D; Zeng Y;

The objective of pilot training is to equip trainees with the knowledge, judgment, and skills to maintain control of an aircraft and respond to critical flight tasks. The present research aims to investigate changes in trainees' cognitive control levels during a pilot training process while t ...

Article GUID: 39428425

EEG-based study of design creativity: a review on research design, experiments, and analysis

Author(s): Zangeneh Soroush M; Zeng Y;

Brain dynamics associated with design creativity tasks are largely unexplored. Despite significant strides, there is a limited understanding of the brain-behavior during design creation tasks. The objective of this paper is to review the concepts of creativity and design creativity as well as their differences, and to explore the brain dynamics associated ...

Article GUID: 39148896

EEG/MEG source imaging of deep brain activity within the maximum entropy on the mean framework: Simulations and validation in epilepsy

Author(s): Afnan J; Cai Z; Lina JM; Abdallah C; Delaire E; Avigdor T; Ros V; Hedrich T; von Ellenrieder N; Kobayashi E; Frauscher B; Gotman J; Grova C;

Electro/Magneto-EncephaloGraphy (EEG/MEG) source imaging (EMSI) of epileptic activity from deep generators is often challenging due to the higher sensitivity of EEG/MEG to superficial regions and to the spatial configuration of subcortical structures. We previously demonstrated the ability of the ...

Article GUID: 38994740

Sleep spindles predict stress-related increases in sleep disturbances

Author(s): Dang-Vu TT; Salimi A; Boucetta S; Wenzel K; O' Byrne J; Brandewinder M; Berthomier C; Gouin JP;

Background and aim: Predisposing factors place certain individuals at higher risk for insomnia, especially in the presence of precipitating conditions such as stressful life events. Sleep spindles have been shown to play an important role in the preservation of sleep continuity. Lower spindle den ...

Article GUID: 25713529

Systematic review of seizure-onset patterns in stereo-electroencephalography: Current state and future directions

Author(s): Abdallah C; Mansilla D; Minato E; Grova C; Beniczky S; Frauscher B;

Objective: Increasing evidence suggests that the seizure-onset pattern (SOP) in stereo-electroencephalography (SEEG) is important for localizing the "true" seizure onset. Specifically, SOPs with low-voltage fast activity (LVFA) are associated with seizure-free outcome (Engel I). However, several classifications and various terms corresponding to the same ...

Article GUID: 38733701

A Pilot Randomized Trial of Combined Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Exercise Training Versus Exercise Training Alone for the Management of Chronic Insomnia in Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Author(s): Cammalleri A; Perrault AA; Hillcoat A; Carrese-Chacra E; Tarelli L; Patel R; Baltzan M; Chouchou F; Dang-Vu TT; Gouin JP; Pepin V;

Insomnia treatment among individuals with comorbid insomnia and obstructive sleep apnea is suboptimal. In a pilot randomized controlled trial, 19 individuals with comorbid insomnia and obstructive sleep apnea were allocated to one of two arms: EX + EX, consisting of two 8-week phases of exercise ...

Article GUID: 38663849

Loosely controlled experimental EEG datasets for higher-order cognitions in design and creativity tasks

Author(s): Zangeneh Soroush M; Zhao M; Jia W; Zeng Y;

Understanding neural mechanisms in design and creativity processes remains a challenging endeavor. To address this gap, we present two electroencephalography (EEG) datasets recorded in design and creativity experiments. We have discussed the details, similarities, differences, and corresponding cognitive tasks of the two datasets in the following sections ...

Article GUID: 38152489

The effects of acute exercise and a nap on heart rate variability and memory in young sedentary adults

Author(s): Mograss M; Frimpong E; Vilcourt F; Chouchou F; Zvionow T; Dang-Vu TT;

Recent evidence suggests that the autonomic nervous system can contribute to memory consolidation during sleep. Whether fluctuations in cardiac autonomic activity during sleep following physical exercise contribute to the process of memory consolidation has not been studied. We assessed the effects of a non-rapid eye movement (NREM) nap following acute ex ...

Article GUID: 37855092

The neurophysiology of closed-loop auditory stimulation in sleep: A magnetoencephalography study

Author(s): Jourde HR; Merlo R; Brooks M; Rowe M; Coffey EBJ;

Closed-loop auditory stimulation (CLAS) is a brain modulation technique in which sounds are timed to enhance or disrupt endogenous neurophysiological events. CLAS of slow oscillation up-states in sleep is becoming a popular tool to study and enhance sleep's functions, as it increases slow oscillations, evokes sleep spindles and enhances memory consoli ...

Article GUID: 37675803

Dynamic networks differentiate the language ability of children with cochlear implants

Author(s): Koirala N; Deroche MLD; Wolfe J; Neumann S; Bien AG; Doan D; Goldbeck M; Muthuraman M; Gracco VL;

Background: Cochlear implantation (CI) in prelingually deafened children has been shown to be an effective intervention for developing language and reading skill. However, there is a substantial proportion of the children receiving CI who struggle with language and reading. The current study-one ...

Article GUID: 37409105

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