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Genomics-Enabled Mixed-Stock Analysis Uncovers Intraspecific Migratory Complexity and Detects Unsampled Populations in a Harvested Fish

Author(s): Gibelli J; Won H; Michaelides S; Jeon HB; Fraser DJ;

The contributions of distinct populations to annual harvests provide key insights to conservation, especially in migratory species that return to specific reproductive areas. In this context, genetic stock identification (GSI) requires reference samples from source populations to assign harvested individuals, yet sampling might be challenging as reproduct ...

Article GUID: 39995301

Metabolomics 2023 workshop report: moving toward consensus on best QA/QC practices in LC-MS-based untargeted metabolomics

Author(s): Mosley JD; Dunn WB; Kuligowski J; Lewis MR; Monge ME; Ulmer Holland C; Vuckovic D; Zanetti KA; Schock TB;

Introduction: During the Metabolomics 2023 conference, the Metabolomics Quality Assurance and Quality Control Consortium (mQACC) presented a QA/QC workshop for LC-MS-based untargeted metabolomics. Objectives: The Best Practices Working Group disseminated recent findings from community forums and ...

Article GUID: 38980450

Computational neuroscience across the lifespan: Promises and pitfalls

Author(s): van den Bos W; Bruckner R; Nassar MR; Mata R; Eppinger B;

In recent years, the application of computational modeling in studies on age-related changes in decision making and learning has gained in popularity. One advantage of computational models is that they provide access to latent variables that cannot be directly observed from behavior. In combination with experimental manipulations, these latent variables c ...

Article GUID: 29066078

Basic psychological need satisfaction of collegiate athletes: the unique and interactive effects of team identification and LMX quality

Author(s): Leduc JG; Boucher F; Marques DL; Brunelle E;

Purpose: The present study sought to understand the relationships between team identification, leader-member exchange (LMX) quality, and the basic psychological need satisfaction of collegiate athletes, as well as the moderating role of coach-athlete LMX quality. Methods: Self-reported data from 319 collegiate athletes were analyzed using SPSS version 29 ...

Article GUID: 38756189

A DiffeRential Evolution Adaptive Metropolis (DREAM)-based inverse model for continuous release source identification in river pollution incidents: Quantitative evaluation and sensitivity analysis

Author(s): Zhu Y; Cao H; Gao Z; Chen Z;

The identification of continuous pollution sources for rivers is of great concern for emergency response. Most studies focused on instantaneous river pollution sources and associated incidents. There is a dire need to address continuous pollution sources, as pollutant discharge may impose a major impact on the water ecosystem. Therefore, in this study, a ...

Article GUID: 38309421

Deep learning for tooth identification and enumeration in panoramic radiographs

Author(s): Sadr S; Mohammad-Rahimi H; Ghorbanimehr MS; Rokhshad R; Abbasi Z; Soltani P; Moaddabi A; Shahab S; Rohban MH;

Background: Dentists begin the diagnosis by identifying and enumerating teeth. Panoramic radiographs are widely used for tooth identification due to their large field of view and low exposure dose. The automatic numbering of teeth in panoramic radiographs can assist clinicians in avoiding errors. ...

Article GUID: 38169618

Sub-hourly measurement datasets from 6 real buildings: Energy use and indoor climate

Author(s): Sartori I; Walnum HT; Skeie KS; Georges L; Knudsen MD; Bacher P; Candanedo J; Sigounis AM; Prakash AK; Pritoni M; Granderson J; Yang S; Wan MP;

The data presented here were collected independently for 6 real buildings by researchers of different institutions and gathered in the context of the IEA EBC Annex 81 Data-driven Smart Buildings, as a joint effort to compile a diverse range of datasets suitable for advanced control applications o ...

Article GUID: 37153123

Development of a DREAM-based inverse model for multi-point source identification in river pollution incidents: Model testing and uncertainty analysis

Author(s): Zhu Y; Chen Z;

Source identification plays a vital role in implementing control measures for sudden river pollution incidents. In contrast to single-point source identification problems, there have been no investigations into inverse identification of multi-point emissions. In this study, an inverse model is developed based on the observed time series of pollutant conce ...

Article GUID: 36191500

Multiple Identifications of Employees in an Organization: Salience and Relationships of Foci and Dimensions

Author(s): Sidorenkov AV; Borokhovski EF; Stroh WA; Naumtseva EA;

This research addresses: (1) the salience of employees' social (organizational, sub-organizational, group, micro-group), interpersonal, and personal identifications and their dimensions (cognitive and affective); (2) and the relationship and structure of the identifications of employees in different areas of professional activity. The study was conduc ...

Article GUID: 35735392

Identification of point source emission in river pollution incidents based on Bayesian inference and genetic algorithm: Inverse modeling, sensitivity, and uncertainty analysis

Author(s): Zhu Y; Chen Z; Asif Z;

Identification of pollution point source in rivers is strenuous due to accidental chemical spills or unmanaged wastewater discharges. It is crucial to take physical characteristics into account in the estimation of pollution sources. In this study, an integrated inverse modeling framework is developed to identify a point source of accidental water polluti ...

Article GUID: 34380214

Relationships between Employees&#39, Identifications and Citizenship Behavior in Work Groups: The Role of the Regularity and Intensity of Interactions

Author(s): Sidorenkov AV; Borokhovski EF;

This paper explores the relationships of various employees' identifications (personal, interpersonal, micro-group, group and organizational) in their two components (cognitive and affective) with two dimensions of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB): offering quality ideas and suggestions, and providing help and support within small work groups. ...

Article GUID: 34206317

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