Author(s): Jodoin S; Bowie-Edwards A; Lofts K; Mangat S; Adjei B; Lesnikowski A;
We provide the first systematic analysis of whether, how, and to what extent people with disabilities and their human rights are included in two subsets of climate policies adopted by 195 parties to the Paris Agreement. We found that only 41 parties mention people with disabilities in their nationally determined contributions (NDCs), whereas only 75 do so ...
Article GUID: 40046455
Author(s): Matthew P Unger
This paper is concerned with exploring legal atmospheres during colonial expansionism and the early period of confederation of British Columbia. By describing the theatrical and performative aspects of legal colonialism, the archival documents from this time represent interesting, yet oft-overlooked, significances that attention to sensory and affective e ...
Article GUID: 38726046
Author(s): Hastings C; French M; McClelland A; Mykhalovskiy E; Adam B; Bisaillon L; Bogosavljevic K; Gagnon M; Greene S; Guta A; Hindmarch S; Kaida A; Kilty J; Massaquoi N; Namaste V; O' Byrne P; Orsini M; Patterson S; Sanders C; Symington A; ...
The criminalization of HIV non-disclosure represents a significant issue of concern among people living with HIV, those working across the HIV sector, public health practitioners, and health and human rights advocates around the world. Recently, the government of Canada began a review of the crim ...
Article GUID: 38087186
Author(s): Orabi MAA; Orabi EA; Awadh AAA; Alshahrani MM; Abdel-Wahab BA; Sakagami H; Hatano T;
Polyphenols have a variety of phenolic hydroxyl and carbonyl functionalities that enable them to scavenge many oxidants, thereby preserving the human redox balance and preventing a number of oxidative stress-related chronic degenerative diseases. In our ongoing investigation of polyphenol-rich plants in search of novel molecules, we resumed the investigat ...
Article GUID: 38001804
Author(s): Matthew P Unger
This article examines how images of nature, weather, and topography disclose a politics of recognition (who is visible/invisible) invested in a burgeoning criminal justice milieu, where punishment of wrongdoing became increasingly racialized in British Columbia during the early confederation period of Canada's history. Drawing from archived court docu ...
Article GUID: 37885918
Author(s): Orabi MAA; Orabi EA; Abdel-Sattar ES; English AM; Hatano T; Elimam H;
An ellagitannin monomer, lythracin M (1), and a dimer, lythracin D (2), along with eight known monomers (3-10) were isolated from Lawsonia inermis (Lythraceae) leaves. Lythracin M (1) is a C-glycosidic ellagitannin with a flavogallonyl dilactone moiety that participates in the creation of a ?-lactone ring with the anomeric carbon of the glucose core. Lyth ...
Article GUID: 36423882
Author(s): BĂ©nar CG, Grova C, Jirsa VK, Lina JM
J Comput Neurosci. 2019 Jul 11;: Authors: Bénar CG, Grova C, Jirsa VK, Lina JM
Article GUID: 31292816
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