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The more they hear the more they learn? Using data from bilinguals to test models of early lexical development

Author(s): Sander-Montant A; López Pérez M; Byers-Heinlein K;

Children have an early ability to learn and comprehend words, a skill that develops as they age. A critical question remains regarding what drives this development. Maturation-based theories emphasise cognitive maturity as a driver of comprehension, while accumulator theories emphasise children's accumulation of language experience over time. In this ...

Article GUID: 37402336

Understanding Sensitive Period Effects in Musical Training

Author(s): Virginia B Penhune

Adult ability in complex cognitive domains, including music, is commonly thought of as the product of gene-environment interactions, where genetic predispositions influence and are modulated by experience, resulting in the final phenotypic expression. Recently, however, the important contribution of maturation to gene-environment interactions has become b ...

Article GUID: 34435343

Time for new thinking about sensitive periods

Author(s): Penhune V; de Villers-Sidani E;

No abstract available

Article GUID: 24782723

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