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Parental autonomy support in relation to preschool aged children's behavior: Examining positive guidance, negative control, and responsiveness

Author(s): Linkiewich D; Martinovich VV; Rinaldi CM; Howe N; Gokiert R;

This study evaluated the relationship between parental autonomy support and preschool-aged children's display of autonomy. Specifically, we examined if mothers' and fathers' use of positive guidance, negative control, and responsiveness during parent-child interactions predicted children's autonomous behavior. One hundred families comprise ...

Article GUID: 33691509

Improved Parent-Child Interactions Predict Reduced Internalizing Symptoms Among the Offspring of Parents with Bipolar Disorder Undergoing a Prevention Program: A Proof-of-Concept Study

Author(s): Serravalle L; Iacono V; Wilson AL; Orlando MA; Tsekova V; Ellenbogen MA;

The offspring of parents with bipolar disorder (OBD) exhibit elevated rates of psychopathology. However, preventative interventions are lacking. Using a quasi-experimental design with an assessment-only control group, we examined if a 12-week program (entitled Reducing Unwanted Stress in the Home, RUSH) decreases internalizing and externalizing symptoms i ...

Article GUID: 33544277

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