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A multimodal neuroimaging study of youth at risk for substance use disorders: Functional magnetic resonance imaging and [18F]fallypride positron emission tomography

Author(s): Nikolic M; Cox SML; Jaworska N; Castellanos-Ryan N; Dagher A; Vitaro F; Brendgen M; Parent S; Boivin M; Côté S; Tremblay RE; Séguin JR; Leyton M;

Background: Adolescent alcohol use is the norm, but only some develop a substance use disorder. The increased risk might reflect heightened mesocorticolimbic responses to reward-related cues but results published to date have been inconsistent. Methods: Young social drinkers (age 18.5 ± 0.6 y.o. ...

Article GUID: 39725679

Microglial senescence in neurodegeneration: Insights, implications, and therapeutic opportunities

Author(s): Samuel Olajide T; Oyerinde TO; Omotosho OI; Okeowo OM; Olajide OJ; Ijomone OM;

The existing literature on neurodegenerative diseases (NDDs) reveals a common pathological feature: the accumulation of misfolded proteins. However, the heterogeneity in disease onset mechanisms and the specific brain regions affected complicates the understanding of the diverse clinical manifestations of individual NDDs. Dementia, a hallmark symptom acro ...

Article GUID: 39364217

Body-composition phenotypes and their associations with cardiometabolic risks and health behaviours in a representative general US sample

Author(s): Kakinami L; Plummer S; Cohen TR; Santosa S; Murphy J;

Body mass index is poor at distinguishing between adiposity and muscle. Based on dual energy X-ray absorptiometry data, a diagnostic framework to analyze body composition by categorizing fat- and muscle-mass body composition into four phenotypes has been proposed. The objective of this study was to assess the association between body-composition phenotype ...

Article GUID: 36183799

Genotype scores predict drug efficacy in subtypes of female sexual interest/arousal disorder: A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled cross-over trial.

Author(s): Tuiten A, Michiels F, Böcker KB, Höhle D, van Honk J, de Lange RP, van Rooij K, Kessels R, Bloemers J, Gerritsen J, Janssen P, de Leede L, Meyer JJ, Everaerd W, Frijlink HW, Koppeschaar HP, Olivier B, Pfaus JG

Womens Health (Lond). 2018 Jan-Dec;14:1745506518788970 Authors: Tuiten A, Michiels F, Böcker KB, Höhle D, van Honk J, de Lange RP, van Rooij K, Kessels R, Bloemers J, Gerritsen J, Janssen P, de Leede L, Meyer JJ, Everaerd W, Frijlink HW, Koppeschaar HP, Olivier B, Pfaus JG

Article GUID: 30016917

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