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Predictive heating load management and energy flexibility analysis in residential sector using an archetype gray-box modeling approach: Application to an experimental house in Québec

Author(s): Abtahi M; Athienitis A; Delcroix B;

This paper presents a methodology to develop archetype gray-box models and use them in an economic model-based predictive control algorithm to simulate optimal heating load management in response to a newly-introduced static time-of-use tariff for Québec's residential sector, rate Flex-D. The methodology is evaluated through a case study, wherein in s ...

Article GUID: 39507415

Nonsingleton Gaussian type-3 fuzzy system with fractional order NTSMC for path tracking of autonomous cars

Author(s): Taghavifar H; Mohammadzadeh A; Zhang W; Zhang C;

Path-tracking and lane-keeping tasks are critical to guarantee safety and navigation performance considerations for deploying autonomous cars. This paper presents a novel control framework for the path-tracking control of high-speed autonomous cars with structured uncertainties. This study introduces a nonlinear adaptive control system based on a fraction ...

Article GUID: 38160078

Sub-hourly measurement datasets from 6 real buildings: Energy use and indoor climate

Author(s): Sartori I; Walnum HT; Skeie KS; Georges L; Knudsen MD; Bacher P; Candanedo J; Sigounis AM; Prakash AK; Pritoni M; Granderson J; Yang S; Wan MP;

The data presented here were collected independently for 6 real buildings by researchers of different institutions and gathered in the context of the IEA EBC Annex 81 Data-driven Smart Buildings, as a joint effort to compile a diverse range of datasets suitable for advanced control applications o ...

Article GUID: 37153123

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