Author(s): Chae Y; Cheers GM; Kim M; Reidler P; Klein A; Fevens T; Holzapfel BM; Mayer-Wagner S;
Cavitary bone defects, defined as a volumetric loss of native bone tissue, require accurate preoperative imaging for treatment planning. While CT (computed tomography) has traditionally been the gold standard for segmentation due to its superior resolution of cortical bone, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) offers unique advantages, particularly in visuali ...
Article GUID: 40049253
Author(s): Kasvis P; Vigano A; Bui T; Carli F; Kilgour R;
Cancer symptoms negatively affect health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in patients with cancer awaiting liver resection. Prehabilitation maintained HRQoL after surgery. Future studies should test whether relieving cancer symptoms can improve HRQoL.
Article GUID: 37690126
Author(s): Plazak J, Drouin S, Collins L, Kersten-Oertel M
Healthc Technol Lett. 2017 Oct;4(5):199-203 Authors: Plazak J, Drouin S, Collins L, Kersten-Oertel M
Article GUID: 29184665
Author(s): Léger É, Reyes J, Drouin S, Collins DL, Popa T, Kersten-Oertel M
Healthc Technol Lett. 2018 Oct;5(5):137-142 Authors: Léger É, Reyes J, Drouin S, Collins DL, Popa T, Kersten-Oertel M
Article GUID: 30800320
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