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Unveiling the association between information sources and young adults attitudes and concerns during COVID-19: Results from the iCARE study

Author(s): Tremblay N; Lavoie KL; Bacon SL; Bélanger-Gravel A;

Objectives: Throughout COVID-19, uncertain information on the virus and preventive measures circulated. Young adults, often relying on social rather than traditional media, showed lower adherence to recommendations. This study examines associations between information sources, attitudes toward public health measures and concerns among young adults. Study ...

Article GUID: 40043475

A Public Health Ethics Case for Mitigating Zoonotic Disease Risk in Food Production

Author(s): Bernstein J; Dutkiewicz J;

This article argues that governments in countries that currently permit intensive animal agriculture - especially but not exclusively high-income countries - are, in principle, morally justified in taking steps to restrict or even eliminate intensive animal agriculture to protect public health from the risk of zoonotic pandemics. Unlike many extant argume ...

Article GUID: 33997264

Weight bias internalization and beliefs about the causes of obesity among the Canadian public

Author(s): Vida Forouhar

CONCLUSIONS: Weight bias internalization is prevalent among Canadians across all body weight statuses, and the public endorses behavioural causes of obesity, namely physical inactivity and overeating, more than its other causes. Findings warrant the reinforcement of efforts aimed at mitigating weight bias by educating the public about the complexity of ob ...

Article GUID: 37620795

Identifying priority questions regarding rapid systematic reviews' methods: protocol for an eDelphi study

Author(s): Vieira AM; Szczepanik G; de Waure C; Tricco AC; Oliver S; Stojanovic J; Ribeiro PAB; Pollock D; Akl EA; Lavis J; Kuchenmuller T; Bragge P; Langer L; Bacon S;

Introduction: Rapid systematic reviews (RRs) have the potential to provide timely information to decision-makers, thus directly impacting healthcare. However, consensus regarding the most efficient approaches to performing RRs and the presence of several unaddressed methodological issues pose cha ...

Article GUID: 37419644

The Effects of Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions on COVID-19 Cases, Hospitalizations, and Mortality: A Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis

Author(s): Peters JA; Farhadloo M;

Introduction: To assess the effects of various non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPI) on cases, hospitalizations, and mortality during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: To empirically investigate the impacts of different NPIs on COVID-19-related health outcomes, a systematic literature review was conducted. We studied the effects of 10 NP ...

Article GUID: 37362389

Effect of body image perception and skin-lightening practices on mental health of Filipino emerging adults: a mixed-methods approach protocol

Author(s): Regencia ZJG; Gouin JP; Ladia MAJ; Montoya JC; Baja ES;

Introduction: The rampant distribution of idealised images on the internet may lead the general public to improve their body appearance in a way that is sometimes excessive, compulsive or detrimental to other aspects of their lives. There is a decreasing appreciation of body image among emerging adults and an increasing trend on skin-lightening practices ...

Article GUID: 37192806

Older adults' perceptions of the risks associated with contemporary gambling environments: Implications for public health policy and practice

Author(s): Pitt H; McCarthy S; Thomas SL; Randle M; Marko S; Cowlishaw S; Kairouz S; Daube M;

Introduction: Rapid changes in the Australian gambling environment have amplified the risks for gamblers and pose significant threats to public health. Technological advances, saturation of marketing, and the embedding of gambling in sport have all contributed to significant changes in the gambling risk environment. Older adults have witnessed the changes ...

Article GUID: 37006633

Geospatial analysis reveals a hotspot of fecal bacteria in Canadian prairie lakes linked to agricultural non-point sources

Author(s): Oliva A; Onana VE; Garner RE; Kraemer SA; Fradette M; Walsh DA; Huot Y;

Lakes are sentinels of environmental changes within their watersheds including those induced by a changing climate and anthropogenic activities. In particular, contamination originating from point or non-point sources (NPS) within watersheds might be reflected in changes in the bacterial composition of lake water. We assessed the abundance of potentially ...

Article GUID: 36653256

Convenient consumption: a critical qualitative inquiry into the gambling practices of younger women in Australia

Author(s): Thomas SL; Pitt H; Randle M; Cowlishaw S; Rintoul A; Kairouz S; Daube M;

There are a range of stereotypes and assumptions associated with women's gambling behaviours. While researchers have demonstrated that the practices associated with women's gambling are changing and becoming increasingly normalized, there is a limited understanding of how younger women ascribe meanings to these practices. This study explored the g ...

Article GUID: 36547399

Economic burden of insomnia symptoms in Canada

Author(s): Chaput JP; Janssen I; Sampasa-Kanyinga H; Carney CE; Dang-Vu TT; Davidson JR; Robillard R; Morin CM;

Objective: To estimate health care and productivity costs associated with insomnia symptoms in Canadian adults. Methods: Three pieces of information were needed to calculate estimates based on a prevalence-based approach: (1) the pooled relative risk estimates of health outcomes consistently ass ...

Article GUID: 36319579

Comparison of different severe obesity definitions in predicting future cardiometabolic risk in a longitudinal cohort of children

Author(s): Kakinami L; Smyrnova A; Paradis G; Tremblay A; Henderson M;

Objectives: Severe obesity (SO) prevalence varies between reference curve-based definitions (WHO: =99th percentile, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): >1.2×95th percentile). Whether SO definitions differentially predict cardiometabolic disease risk is critical for proper clinical care and management but is unknown.

Article GUID: 35705336

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