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MRI as a viable alternative to CT for 3D surgical planning of Cavitary bone tumors

Author(s): Chae Y; Cheers GM; Kim M; Reidler P; Klein A; Fevens T; Holzapfel BM; Mayer-Wagner S;

Cavitary bone defects, defined as a volumetric loss of native bone tissue, require accurate preoperative imaging for treatment planning. While CT (computed tomography) has traditionally been the gold standard for segmentation due to its superior resolution of cortical bone, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) offers unique advantages, particularly in visuali ...

Article GUID: 40049253

Open access segmentations of intraoperative brain tumor ultrasound images

Author(s): Behboodi B; Carton FX; Chabanas M; de Ribaupierre S; Solheim O; Munkvold BKR; Rivaz H; Xiao Y; Reinertsen I;

Purpose: Registration and segmentation of magnetic resonance (MR) and ultrasound (US) images could play an essential role in surgical planning and resectioning brain tumors. However, validating these techniques is challenging due to the scarcity of publicly accessible sources with high-quality gr ...

Article GUID: 39047165

FishSegSSL: A Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation Framework for Fish-Eye Images

Author(s): Paul S; Patterson Z; Bouguila N;

The application of large field-of-view (FoV) cameras equipped with fish-eye lenses brings notable advantages to various real-world computer vision applications, including autonomous driving. While deep learning has proven successful in conventional computer vision applications using regular perspective images, its potential in fish-eye camera contexts rem ...

Article GUID: 38535151

Impaired performance of rapid grip in people with Parkinson's disease and motor segmentation

Author(s): Rebecca J Daniels

Bradykinesia, or slow movement, is a defining symptom of Parkinson's disease (PD), but the underlying neuromechanical deficits that lead to this slowness remain unclear. People with PD often have impaired rates of motor output accompanied by disruptions in neuromuscular excitation, causing abnormal, segmented, force-time curves. Previous investigation ...

Article GUID: 38507858

PILLAR: ParaspInaL muscLe segmentAtion pRoject - a comprehensive online resource to guide manual segmentation of paraspinal muscles from magnetic resonance imaging

Author(s): Anstruther M; Rossini B; Zhang T; Liang T; Xiao Y; Fortin M;

Background: There is an increasing interest in assessing paraspinal morphology and composition in relation to low back pain (LBP). However, variations in methods and segmentation protocols contribute to the inconsistent findings in the literature. We present an on-line resource, the ParaspInaL muscLe segmentAtion pRoject (PILLAR, https://projectpillar.git ...

Article GUID: 37996857

Compatible-domain Transfer Learning for Breast Cancer Classification with Limited Annotated Data

Author(s): Shamshiri MA; Krzyzak A; Kowal M; Korbicz J;

Microscopic analysis of breast cancer images is the primary task in diagnosing cancer malignancy. Recent attempts to automate this task have employed deep learning models whose success has depended on large volumes of data, while acquiring annotated data in biomedical domains is time-consuming and may not always be feasible. A typical strategy to address ...

Article GUID: 36758326

Measures of motor segmentation from rapid isometric force pulses are reliable and differentiate Parkinson's disease from age-related slowing

Author(s): Howard SL; Grenet D; Bellumori M; Knight CA;

Some people with Parkinson's disease (PD) have disruptions in motor output during rapid isometric muscle contractions. Measures of such disruptions (motor segmentation) may help clarify disease subtype, progression, or effects of therapeutic interventions. We investigated the potential utility of segmentation measures by testing two hypotheses that ar ...

Article GUID: 35768733

Spoken Word Segmentation in First and Second Language: When ERP and Behavioral Measures Diverge

Author(s): Gilbert AC; Lee JG; Coulter K; Wolpert MA; Kousaie S; Gracco VL; Klein D; Titone D; Phillips NA; Baum SR;

Previous studies of word segmentation in a second language have yielded equivocal results. This is not surprising given the differences in the bilingual experience and proficiency of the participants and the varied experimental designs that have been used. The present study tried to account for a ...

Article GUID: 34603133

Sharp U-Net: Depthwise convolutional network for biomedical image segmentation

Author(s): Zunair H; Ben Hamza A;

The U-Net architecture, built upon the fully convolutional network, has proven to be effective in biomedical image segmentation. However, U-Net applies skip connections to merge semantically different low- and high-level convolutional features, resulting in not only blurred feature maps, but also over- and under-segmented target regions. To address these ...

Article GUID: 34348214

LUMINOUS database: lumbar multifidus muscle segmentation from ultrasound images

Author(s): Belasso CJ; Behboodi B; Benali H; Boily M; Rivaz H; Fortin M;

Background: Among the paraspinal muscles, the structure and function of the lumbar multifidus (LM) has become of great interest to researchers and clinicians involved in lower back pain and muscle rehabilitation. Ultrasound (US) imaging of the LM muscle is a useful clinical tool which can be used in the assessment of muscle morphology and ...

Article GUID: 33097024

Two-stage ultrasound image segmentation using U-Net and test time augmentation.

Author(s): Amiri M; Brooks R; Behboodi B; Rivaz H;

PURPOSE: Detecting breast lesions using ultrasound imaging is an important application of computer-aided diagnosis systems. Several automatic methods have been proposed for breast lesion detection and segmentation; however, due to the ultrasound artefacts, and to the complexity of lesion shapes and locations, lesion or tumor segmentation from ultrasound b ...

Article GUID: 32350786

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