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Trends in nighttime insomnia symptoms in Canada from 2007 to 2021

Author(s): Chaput JP; Morin CM; Robillard R; Carney CE; Dang-Vu TT; Davidson JR; Tomkinson GR; Lang JJ;

Objective: National estimates and trends in insomnia symptoms in Canada are outdated. Updates are needed to inform the development of targeted prevention and intervention strategies. This study aimed to examine the prevalence and trends in nighttime insomnia symptoms among Canadians aged 12 years ...

Article GUID: 39556998

Moderate support for the use of digital tracking to support climate-mitigation strategies

Author(s): Garard J; Wood SLR; Sabet-Kassouf N; Ventimiglia A; Matthews HD; Ubalijoro É; Chaudhari K; Ivanova M; Luers AL;

The use of digital tracking of individuals throughout the coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic renewed societal debates on the efficacy and ethics of digital surveillance to mitigate collective crises. While digital emissions tracking is being used to support climate-mitigation strategies, to dat ...

Article GUID: 36128017

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