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The PolyVent educational platform: An open mechanical ventilation platform for research and education

Author(s): Read RL; Bechard N; Suturin V; Zuiderwijk A; Mellenthin M;

The PolyVent is an open source mechanical ventilator meant for research and education. It prioritizes openness, modularity, repairability, and modifiability. An ESP32 microcontroller controls a proportional valve which precisely modulates pressure and flow from a mixing chamber into the airway. This chamber is fed with pressurized oxygen and medical air. ...

Article GUID: 39895909

An intensive longitudinal investigation of maternal and infant touching patterns across context and throughout the first 9-months of life

Author(s): Mercuri M; Stack DM; De France K; Jean ADL; Fogel A;

Touch is a central component of mothers' and infants' everyday interactions and the formation of a healthy mother-infant relationship. Twelve mothers and their full-term infants from the Midwest, USA participated in the present study, which examined the quality and quantity of their touching behaviors longitudinally at 1-, 3-, 5-, 7-, and 9-months ...

Article GUID: 37337452

Maternal and infant touching behaviours during perturbed interactions: Associations with maternal depressive symptomatology and infant crying

Author(s): Mercuri M; Stack DM; Mantis I; Moszkowski R; Field TM;

Touch is an important means through which mothers and infants co-regulate during periods of stress or perturbation. The present study examined the synchrony of maternal and infant touching behaviours among 41 mother-infant dyads, some of whom were deemed at-risk due to maternal depressive symptomatology. Mothers and their 4-month-old infants participated ...

Article GUID: 36758294

State-Dependent Entrainment of Prefrontal Cortex Local Field Potential Activity Following Patterned Stimulation of the Cerebellar Vermis.

Author(s): Tremblay SA, Chapman CA, Courtemanche R

Front Syst Neurosci. 2019;13:60 Authors: Tremblay SA, Chapman CA, Courtemanche R

Article GUID: 31736718

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