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Human recreational activity does not influence open cup avian nest survival in urban green spaces

Author(s): Cull CA; Guest MJ; Frei B; Ziter CD;

The breeding period of birds is a critical and sensitive portion of the annual cycle. Understanding how human use of urban green spaces affects nest survival can improve our understanding of conserving breeding bird populations in cities and support science-based management of urban green spaces that benefit both people and nature. We conducted a nest sur ...

Article GUID: 39897430

Connectivity of stormwater ponds impacts Odonata abundance and species richness

Author(s): Richmond IC; Perron MC; Boyle SP; Pick FR;

Context: The successful dispersal of an animal depends, partly, on landscape connectivity. Urbanization poses risks to dispersal activities by increasing hostile land cover types. Objectives: We investigated how connectivity of urban ponds impacted Odonata communities (dragonflies and damselflies), an order of semi-aquatic insects that actively disperse. ...

Article GUID: 38435963

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