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Leveraging Personal Technologies in the Treatment of Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders: Scoping Review

Author(s): D' Arcey J; Torous J; Asuncion TR; Tackaberry-Giddens L; Zahid A; Ishak M; Foussias G; Kidd S;

Background: Digital mental health is a rapidly growing field with an increasing evidence base due to its potential scalability and impacts on access to mental health care. Further, within underfunded service systems, leveraging personal technologies to deliver or support specialized service deliv ...

Article GUID: 39348196

Acceptability of a structured diet and exercise weight loss intervention in breast cancer survivors living with an overweight condition or obesity: A qualitative analysis.

Author(s): Beckenstein H, Slim M, Kim H, Plourde H, Kilgour R, Cohen TR

BACKGROUND: Weight loss increases survivorship following breast cancer diagnosis. However, most breast cancer survivors (BCS) do not meet diet and exercise recommendations. AIM: The purpose of this study was to explore the barriers and facilitators of BCS who had lymphedema and who participated in a 22-week weight loss lifestyle intervention. METHODS AND ...

Article GUID: 33491338

What do you really need? Self- and partner-reported intervention preferences within cognitive behavioural therapy for reassurance seeking behaviour.

Author(s): Neal RL, Radomsky AS

Behav Cogn Psychother. 2019 Sep 09;:1-13 Authors: Neal RL, Radomsky AS

Article GUID: 31495351

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