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Design, manufacturing, and multi-modal imaging of stereolithography 3D printed flexible intracranial aneurysm phantoms

Author(s): Yalman A; Jafari A; Léger É; Mastroianni MA; Teimouri K; Savoji H; Collins DL; Kadem L; Xiao Y;

Background: Physical vascular phantoms are instrumental in studying intracranial aneurysms and testing relevant imaging tools and training systems to provide improved clinical care. Current vascular phantom production methods have major limitations in capturing the biophysical and morphological c ...

Article GUID: 39546636

Spectral-Clustering of Lagrangian Trajectory Graphs: Application to Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms

Author(s): Darwish A; Norouzi S; Kadem L;

Purpose: Identification of coherent structures in cardiovascular flows is crucial to describe the transport and mixing of blood. Coherent structures can highlight locations where minimal blood mixing takes place, thus, potential thrombus formation can be expected thither. Graph-based approaches have recently been introduced in order to describe fluid tran ...

Article GUID: 34845627

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