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Myelin basic protein mRNA levels affect myelin sheath dimensions, architecture, plasticity, and density of resident glial cells

Author(s): Bagheri H; Friedman H; Hadwen A; Jarweh C; Cooper E; Oprea L; Guerrier C; Khadra A; Collin A; Cohen-Adad J; Young A; Victoriano GM; Swire M; Jarjour A; Bechler ME; Pryce RS; Chaurand P; Cougnaud L; Vuckovic D; Wilion E; Greene O; Nishiya ...

Myelin basic protein (Mbp) is essential for both elaboration and maintenance of CNS myelin, and its reduced accumulation results in hypomyelination. How different Mbp mRNA levels affect myelin dimensions across the lifespan and how resident glial cells may respond to such changes are unknown. Her ...

Article GUID: 39023138

Lactate's behavioral switch in the brain: An in-silico model

Author(s): Soltanzadeh M; Blanchard S; Soucy JP; Benali H;

Emerging evidence emphasizes lactate's involvement in both physiological processes (energy metabolism, memory, etc.) and disease (traumatic brain injury, epilepsy, etc.). Furthermore, the usefulness of mathematical modeling in deciphering underlying dynamics of the brain to investigate lactate roles and mechanisms of action has been well established. ...

Article GUID: 37865309

Sex differences in developmental patterns of neocortical astroglia: A mouse translatome database

Author(s): Rurak GM; Simard S; Freitas-Andrade M; Lacoste B; Charih F; Van Geel A; Stead J; Woodside B; Green JR; Coppola G; Salmaso N;

Astroglial cells are key players in the development and maintenance of neurons and neuronal networks. Astroglia express steroid hormone receptors and show rapid responses to hormonal manipulations. However, despite important sex differences in the cortex and hippocampus, few studies have examined ...

Article GUID: 35108542

Amyloid-β (1-42) peptide induces rapid NMDA receptor-dependent alterations at glutamatergic synapses in the entorhinal cortex

Author(s): Olajide OJ; Chapman CA;

The hippocampus and entorhinal cortex (EC) accumulate amyloid beta peptides (Aß) that promote neuropathology in Alzheimer's disease, but the early effects of Aß on excitatory synaptic transmission in the EC have not been well characterized. To assess the acute effects of Aß1-42 on glutamatergic synapses, acute brain slices from wildtype rats were expo ...

Article GUID: 34144329

Helper CD4 T cells expressing granzyme B cause glial fibrillary acidic protein fragmentation in astrocytes in an MHCII-independent manner.

Author(s): Stopnicki B, Blain M, Cui QL, Kennedy TE, Antel JP, Healy LM, Darlington PJ

Glia. 2019 04;67(4):582-593 Authors: Stopnicki B, Blain M, Cui QL, Kennedy TE, Antel JP, Healy LM, Darlington PJ

Article GUID: 30444064

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