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Barriers to and enablers of modifying diet after metabolic bariatric surgery: A systematic review of published literature

Author(s): Yousefi R; Bacon SL; Boucher VG; Acosta PFC; O' Neill J; González-González M; Raymond FC; Lorencatto F;

This is a qualitative systematic review in which we investigated barriers and enablers influencing dietary behavior change after metabolic bariatric surgery (MBS). Database searches retrieved publications reporting perceived factors influencing dietary behavior change post-MBS. Data (quotes, surv ...

Article GUID: 39815453

A Qualitative Evaluation of a Plate-Method Dietary Self-Monitoring Tool in a Sample of Adults Over 50

Author(s): Bouchaud CC; Chriqui JR; Slim M; Gouin JP; Plourde H; Cohen TR;

Background: Self-monitoring is an important behavioral change technique to help users initiate and maintain dietary changes. Diet self-monitoring tools often involve the itemization of foods and recording of serving sizes. However, this traditional method of tracking does not conform to food guides using plate-based approach to nutrition education, such a ...

Article GUID: 37600934

Design Principles in mHealth Interventions for Sustainable Health Behavior Changes: Protocol for a Systematic Review

Author(s): Yang L; Kuang A; Xu C; Shewchuk B; Singh S; Quan H; Zeng Y;

Background: In recent years, mHealth has increasingly been used to deliver behavioral interventions for disease prevention and self-management. Computing power in mHealth tools can provide unique functions beyond conventional interventions in provisioning personalized behavior change recommendations and delivering them in real time, suppo ...

Article GUID: 36811938

Barriers and facilitators to diet, physical activity and lifestyle behavior intervention adherence: a qualitative systematic review of the literature

Author(s): Alysha L Deslippe

CONCLUSIONS: Lifestyle interventions that foster self-regulatory skills, opportunities for social engagement and personalization of goals may improve behaviour adherence. This can be achieved through inclusion of BCT, tapering off of intervention supports, identification of meaningful goals and anticipated barriers with participants.

Article GUID: 36782207

The Dyadic Health Influence Model

Author(s): Huelsnitz CO; Jones RE; Simpson JA; Joyal-Desmarais K; Standen EC; Auster-Gussman LA; Rothman AJ;

Relationship partners affect one another's health outcomes through their health behaviors, yet how this occurs is not well understood. To fill this gap, we present the Dyadic Health Influence Model (DHIM). The DHIM identifies three routes through which a person (the agent) can impact the heal ...

Article GUID: 34873983

An international, Delphi consensus study to identify priorities for methodological research in behavioral trials in health research.

Author(s): Byrne M, McSharry J, Meade O, Lavoie KL, Bacon SL

Trials. 2020 Mar 23;21(1):292 Authors: Byrne M, McSharry J, Meade O, Lavoie KL, Bacon SL

Article GUID: 32293510

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