Author(s): Bouliane M; Boivin M; Kretschmer T; Lafreniere B; Paquin S; Tremblay R; Côté S; Gouin JP; Andlauer TFM; Petitclerc A; Ouellet-Morin I;
Individual differences in physical aggression (PA) are largely heritable. However, it remains unclear how genetic propensity for aggression manifests early in life and relates to school-age PA. Preschool externalizing behavior problems (EXT) and adverse experiences are known predictors of school- ...
Article GUID: 39907790
Author(s): Evans GW, De France K
The current study assessed whether the proportion of childhood (age 0-9 years) in poverty altered the developmental trajectories (ages 9-24) of multimethodological indicators of psychological well-being. In addition, we tested whether exposure to cumulative risk over time mediated the association between poverty exposure and psychological well-being. Meas ...
Article GUID: 33526153
Author(s): Pagani LS, Fitzpatrick C
J Pediatr Nurs. 2018 Mar - Apr;39:15-20 Authors: Pagani LS, Fitzpatrick C
Article GUID: 29525211
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