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Comparing a Portable Motion Analysis System against the Gold Standard for Potential Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Prevention and Screening

Author(s): Karatzas N; Abdelnour P; Corban JPAH; Zhao KY; Veilleux LN; Bergeron SG; Fevens T; Rivaz H; Babouras A; Martineau PA;

Knee kinematics during a drop vertical jump, measured by the Kinect V2 (Microsoft, Redmond, WA, USA), have been shown to be associated with an increased risk of non-contact anterior cruciate ligament injury. The accuracy and reliability of the Microsoft Kinect V2 has yet to be assessed specifical ...

Article GUID: 38544237

Warming Up With a Dynamic Moment of Inertia Bat Can Increase Bat Swing Speed in Competitive Baseball Players

Author(s): Castonguay T; Roberts M; Dover G;

Introduction: While most baseball players' warm-up with a weighted bat/donut, there is evidence to suggest the swing speed decreases after the warm-up even though the bat feels lighter. Warming up with a dynamic moment of inertia bat may not decrease the swing speed and therefore improve the performance of baseball players. The hypothesis is that a dy ...

Article GUID: 35894920

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