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Electroacupuncture Reduces Heart Rate and Perceived Exertion During a Bike Test: A Preliminary Analysis

Author(s): Gaudet E; Castonguay T; Fortin M; Dover G;

Background: Preliminary research suggests that acupuncture can improve cardiovascular function. The purpose of our study was to determine if electroacupuncture can improve performance and post-exercise recovery. Methods: Thirty-two healthy people participated in this study (14 men and 18 women, aged 23.6 ± 3.5 years). The first visit included baseline me ...

Article GUID: 39457342

Body Mass Index Z Score vs Weight-for-Length Z Score in Infancy and Cardiometabolic Outcomes at Age 8-10 Years

Author(s): Roberge JB; Harnois-Leblanc S; McNealis V; van Hulst A; Barnett TA; Kakinami L; Paradis G; Henderson M;

Objectives: To confirm that World Health Organization weight-for-length z scores (zWFL) and World Health Organization body mass index z scores (zBMI) in infancy are associated with adiposity and cardiometabolic measures at 8-10 years old and to compare the predictive ability of the 2 methods. St ...

Article GUID: 34302856

Association Between Pain Catastrophizing and Pain and Cardiovascular Changes During a Cold-Pressor Test in Athletes

Author(s): Lentini M; Scalia J; Lebel FB; Touma F; Jhajj A; Darlington PJ; Dover G;

Context: Athletes are often exposed to pain due to injury and competition. Using preliminary evidence, researchers have shown that cardiovascular measures could be an objective measure of pain, but the cardiovascular response can be influenced by psychological factors, such as catastrophizing. Objective: To use a painful cold-pressor test (CPT) to measur ...

Article GUID: 34000018

Pain catastrophizing in athletes correlates with pain and cardiovascular changes during a painful cold pressor test

Author(s): Matylda L; Joseph S; Frédérike BL; Fadi T; Aneet J; Darlington PJ; Dover G;

Context: Athletes are often exposed to pain due to injury and competition. There is preliminary evidence that cardiovascular measures could be an objective measure of pain, but the cardiovascular response can be influenced by psychological factors such as catastrophizing. Objectives: The purpose of our study was to use a painful cold pressor test to meas ...

Article GUID: 33150380

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