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Sleep neuroimaging: Review and future directions

Author(s): Pereira M; Chen X; Paltarzhytskaya A; Pache?o Y; Muller N; Bovy L; Lei X; Chen W; Ren H; Song C; Lewis LD; Dang-Vu TT; Czisch M; Picchioni D; Duyn J; Peigneux P; Tagliazucchi E; Dresler M;

Sleep research has evolved considerably since the first sleep electroencephalography recordings in the 1930s and the discovery of well-distinguishable sleep stages in the 1950s. While electrophysiological recordings have been used to describe the sleeping brain in much detail, since the 1990s neu ...

Article GUID: 39940102

Sex-Specific Cerebral Blood Flow Alterations in Youth Operated for Congenital Heart Disease

Author(s): Easson K; Gilbert G; Gauthier C; Rohlicek CV; Saint-Martin C; Brossard-Racine M;

Background Lower cerebral blood flow (CBF) has previously been documented preoperatively in neonates with congenital heart disease (CHD). However, it remains unclear if these CBF deficits persist over the life span of CHD survivors following heart surgery. When exploring this question, it is critical to consider the sex differences in CBF that emerge duri ...

Article GUID: 37301764

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