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MRI as a viable alternative to CT for 3D surgical planning of Cavitary bone tumors

Author(s): Chae Y; Cheers GM; Kim M; Reidler P; Klein A; Fevens T; Holzapfel BM; Mayer-Wagner S;

Cavitary bone defects, defined as a volumetric loss of native bone tissue, require accurate preoperative imaging for treatment planning. While CT (computed tomography) has traditionally been the gold standard for segmentation due to its superior resolution of cortical bone, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) offers unique advantages, particularly in visuali ...

Article GUID: 40049253

In-situ consolidation of thermoplastic composites by automated fiber placement: Characterization of defects

Author(s): Fereidouni M; Hoa SV;

The emergence of automated manufacturing of composites has not only transformed the manufacturing of optimized and geometrically complex structures but has also expanded the promising prospect of in-situ manufacturing of thermoplastic composites (TPC), where both material placement and consolidation are carried out by automated fiber placement (AFP) equip ...

Article GUID: 39895653

Two-dimensional Nanosheets by Liquid Metal Exfoliation

Author(s): Bai Y; Xu Y; Sun L; Ward Z; Wang H; Ratnayake G; Wang C; Zhao M; He H; Gao J; Wu M; Lu S; Bepete G; Peng D; Liu B; Kang F; Terrones H; Terrones M; Lei Y;

Liquid exfoliation is a scalable and effective method for synthesizing 2D nanosheets (NSs) but often induces contamination and defects. Here, liquid metal gallium (Ga) is used to exfoliate bulk layered materials into 2D NSs at near room temperature, utilizing the liquid surface tension and Ga int ...

Article GUID: 39707650

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