Searching for balance: The effects of dance training on the postural stability of individuals with intellectual disability
Authors: DiPasquale S, Roberts M
1 Skidmore College Department of Dance, Saratoga Springs, NY, USA.
2 Department of Health, Kinesiology & Applied Physiology, Concordia University, Montréal, Canada.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine if integrative dance classes have the potential to improve the postural stability in individuals with intellectual disability.Methods: A quasi-experimental, pretest-posttest research design was used to assess changes in postural stability of 16 individuals with intellectual disability. Postural stability was evaluated in bilateral stance with eyes open and eyes closed using a Wii Balance Board and variables of stability were assessed utilising centre of pressure measurements.Results and discussion: Between-group significance from pre- to post was found in both conditions with the experimental group demonstrating significant improvements as compared to the control. These data indicate preliminary evidence of improved postural stability following an intervention of integrative contemporary dance.
Keywords: Dance; intellectual disability; postural stability;
DOI: 10.3109/13668250.2020.1818363