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Electrospun Upconverting Nanofibrous Hybrids with Smart NIR-Light-Controlled Drug Release for Wound Dressing

Author(s): Huang HY; Skripka A; Zaroubi L; Findlay BL; Vetrone F; Skinner C; Oh JK; Cuccia LA;

Chronic wounds present a high risk of infection due to delayed and incomplete healing, leading to increased health risks and financial burden to health-care systems. Numerous approaches to promote wound healing have been extensively explored, especially the development of effective wound dressing materials embedded with therapeutic drug molecules. Despite ...

Article GUID: 35019380

Optimization of the Electrospun Niobium-Tungsten Oxide Nanofibers Diameter Using Response Surface Methodology

Author(s): Fatile BO; Pugh M; Medraj M;

The present research aimed to investigate the effect of working parameters on the electrospinning of niobium-tungsten oxide nanofibers and optimize the process using central composite design (CCD) based on the response surface methodology (RSM). An experiment was designed to assess the effects of five variables including the applied voltage (V), spinning ...

Article GUID: 34201513

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